Cԋαρƚҽɾ Nιɳҽƚყ Fιʋҽ

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"Okay, take a deep breath, relax," whispered softly, kneeling in front of an anxious Xiao Zhan who was sitting on the toilet seat. His legs moved rapidly, clearly displaying his nervousness. The bathroom was filled with anticipation as the young boy held a pregnancy test in his trembling hands.

Wang Yibo gently squeezed Xiao Zhan's thigh to offer reassurance, his hand running down to massage the boy's ankles. "Everything will be okay, no matter what," he murmured, leaning in to kiss one of Xiao Zhan's knees.

Their eyes locked, filled with emotions. Fear and hope mingled in their gazes. Xiao Zhan took a deep breath, finding solace in Wang Yibo's touch. He closed his eyes, feeling his stomach churn with anxiety.

"Angel," Yibo spoke softly, "Whatever the result is, we'll be okay. We'll face it together," he whispered, his voice filled with love.

Xiao Zhan nodded with his eyes still closed. Then he opened them, meeting Wang Yibo's deep green eyes. The red-haired leaned in and pecked his lips in a cute, playful kiss, eliciting a moan from Xiao Zhan. Their foreheads pressed together, their noses nuzzling in an affectionate manner.

"I'm scared," the Xiao Zhan confessed, feeling his forehead against Wang Yibo's. He sighed as Wang Yibo showered sweet kisses all over his face—his cheeks, his jaw. "Can you do it for me?" Xiao Zhan whispered, moving back slightly to look into Wang Yibo's eyes.

Wang Yibo gulped. He wouldn't admit it to Xiao Zhan, but he was just as scared as him. "Of course," he whispered, taking the little test from Xiao Zhan's clammy hands.

Wang Yibo took a deep breath, hoping the air entering through his nose would be enough to keep his heart beating regardless of the result. He looked up at Xiao Zhan one last time before focusing his full attention on the pregnancy test. In that moment, thousands of emotions were exchanged between them. Flashbacks of their first meeting, their first kiss, their first night of love. Every caress Wang Yibo bestowed upon Xiao Zhan's beautiful body, every kiss Xiao Zhan bestowed upon his.

With his free hand, he took Xiao Zhan's hand and squeezed it, conveying to the love of his life just how much he loved his.

Once again, Wang Yibo took a deep breath and finally turned the pregnancy test to see the result.

As the two little lines came into full view, he felt warmth fill his chest like never before. Hot tears welled up in the corners of his green eyes as a small smile appeared on his lips. Xiao Zhan watched his reaction, unable to decipher what the result was. Wang Yibo remained in shock for what seemed like an eternity before looking back up into his eyes.

Yibo moved closer to Xiao Zhan, positioning himself between the boy's legs and wrapping his arms around his body. He placed the test on the bathroom counter and then returned to his previous position, hugging Xiao Zhan tightly with his strong arms.

Behind Xiao Zhan's attentive gaze, Wang Yibo reached for his hand and lifted Xiao Zhan's shirt, exposing his still flat stomach. Wang Yibo smiled, nuzzling his face against Xiao Zhan's body before sending a gaze filled with love into his big green eyes. He planted kisses on Xiao Zhan's tummy, embracing his tightly with his arms.

Looking up at Xiao Zhan's teary eyes, Wang Yibo whispered, "Hi, little one."

And that was enough for Xiao Zhan to release the happiest tears he had ever had. Slowly, he reached out and brushed his fingers through Wang Yibo's fiery red hair, that Yibo had dyed recently, his touch filled with tenderness. His breath hitched as he listened to Wang Yibo's words. He watched in awe as his love leaned in, his lips just inches away from his small belly, and began to speak to their unborn child.

"Hello in there," Wang Yibo murmured softly, his voice filled with tenderness. "I don't know if you can hear me yet, but I want you to know how much you're already loved. I must confess, you actually really surprised us." He jokingly said, letting the tip of his finger graze Xiao Zhan's burst-with-goosebumps skin.

Xiao Zhan's hand instinctively moved to cover his mouth as a cute giggle filled the room and some shy tears welled up in his eyes. He couldn't believe the depth of love he felt for Wang Yibo in that moment.

Wang Yibo pressed a gentle kiss to Xiao Zhan's belly, his eyes brimming with emotion. "You have the most incredible mom, little one," he continued, his voice filled with unwavering love as he looked up at Xiao Zhan's eyes. "He is strong, brave, and so full of compassion. He'll protect you, guide you, and love you unconditionally. And I promise you, I'll be right there beside his every step of the way." Wang Yibo said, exchanging looks from Xiao Zhan to his tummy, "He is the most beautiful man of the whole world, but don't tell him I said that. He won't believe my words..."

Xiao Zhan's heart swelled with a mixture of emotions. He was in awe of Wang Yibo 's words, the way he spoke directly to their unborn child with such love and devotion. He had never felt more connected to Wang Yibo, and it took his a moment to find his voice.

"I... I love you," Xiao Zhan managed to whisper, his voice filled with a mix of awe and vulnerability. He reached out and cupped Wang Yibo's cheek, his thumb gently brushing away a stray tear. "And I love our baby too."

Wang Yibo's eyes locked with Xiao Zhan's, their connection deepening in that moment. "And we love you," he replied, his voice filled with unwavering certainty. "With all our hearts."

Xiao Zhan felt a surge of love wash over his, enveloping him in a warmth he had never known before. Wang Yibo leaned in and kissed his lips tenderly, softly. A try to communicate how much love he was feeling in that intimate moment. The boy cupped his cheeks, lovingly stroking his thumbs on his firm cheekbones that were wet with happy tears. He breathed in, filling his nostrils with the scent of the man he loves.

They held each other tightly, and Wang Yibo reached up to take Xiao Zhan's hand, resting them both on his exposed belly. In that shared moment of tenderness and vulnerability, they silently promised their love and affection to each other and their precious little peanut.

Whispering with a profound sense of gratitude and adoration, Xiao Zhan uttered, "We are going to be mommies, Angel ," eliciting a surprising gasp as the realization sank in. His voice carried the weight of their dreams and aspirations.

Wang Yibo 's eyes sparkled with tears of joy as he embraced Xiao Zhan, leaning in to whisper against his lips. Affirming their new reality, he expressed, "We are," his whole palm feeling the soft skin of Xiao Zhan's belly.

"I'm carrying a little you..." Overwhelmed with emotion, Xiao Zhan's cry grew intense as he hid his face in his hands. Feeling Wang Yibo's strong arms holding his tightly, he marveled at the incredible journey they were embarking on. The gravity of carrying a little piece of Wang Yibo within his overwhelmed his. "Oh my god..."

"Love." Wang Yibo gently pushed Xiao Zhan's hands away, using his thumbs to wipe away the tears of happiness. Cupping Xiao Zhan's face, he greeted his with a sweet smile, their eyes mirroring the teary emotions. Concerned about Xiao Zhan's feelings, he asked, "Are you okay with this? I mean, I'm really happy with the idea of growing a family with you but I'd totally understand if you don't–"

Before Wang Yibo could finish his sentence, Xiao Zhan captured his lips, embracing hin fully. The bathroom floor met the back of Wang Yibo's thighs as Xiao Zhan's body pressed against hiss, their passion igniting. In that moment, as they shared the sweetest of kisses, Wang Yibo held Xiao Zhan tightly, cherishing the closeness of their bodies.

As they separated to catch their breath, Xiao Zhan showered Wang Yibo 's jaw with kisses, his nose grazing the skin of his cheek. Immersed in the intoxicating scent of his perfume, Xiao Zhan sighed happily. "I'm going to have your baby, Wang Yibo," he whispered, squeezing Wang Yibo 's cheeks affectionately.

Wang Yibo smiled, leaning down to capture Xiao Zhan's pink and swollen lips once again.

I hope you guys liked the update. I had written this chapter half already but now completed it as someone requested me to. I just wanted it to be perfect as it was a important stage in their life.

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