Cԋαρƚҽɾ Nιɳҽƚҽҽɳ

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𝑶𝒏 𝑺𝒖𝒏𝒅𝒂𝒚

The big day finally came!

It was such a joyous day to everyone except Xiao Zhan. No, to be precise, he wasn't sad but he did not feel anything. He was neither happy nor sad. He just felt empty all inside him.

When he was getting dressed on the dressing room, Jiang Yanli came in, crying,

"A-Zhan, you look so handsome! Oh my god...!" She placed a kiss on top of his head.

Xiao Zhan was happy to see his sister brimming in so much happiness. He couldn't help but smile for real.

"Jie... you are flattering me..." he whined.

"My A-Zhan deserves it."

And so it went. One or another coming in praise his beauty or to congratulate him. Unexpected for him, Xiao Zhan was not getting tired of it.

Time went by and soon, Uncle Jiang came in running, saying,

"A-Zhan, let's get you to aisle."

That was the moment when Xiao Zhan froze. His breath hitched. 'Yes, I am going to get married!' Xiao Zhan could not hear his uncle calling out to him for his world had stopped. Xiao Zhan knew that he was going to get married but he did not know why, when the moment finally came, he felt as if he wanted to run away.

"A-Zhan, come on..." Uncle Jiang shook him.

But before Xiao Zhan could even respond, he was almost dragged out of the room.

Uncle Jiang took him by his hand and walked him to the aisle where his groom, Wang Yibo was waiting for him.

Xiao Zhan did not bother himself with looking around for his head was spinning and could not stand straight. He tried to focus on the path and held Uncle Jiang's hand tight not knowing if he held it for support or as begging not to give him away.

Xiao Zhan could feel getting closer to Wang Yibo and as expected soon, Uncle Jiang handed him over to Wang Yibo who took his hand gently into his and held it as if it was more precious than gold and silver. As if Xiao Zhan's hand was more precious than diamonds!

Xiao Zhan could feel the Yibo's rough, big hand around his and this was the first time an alpha has held him so gently!

Xiao Zhan did not know what to feel and looked down at their clasped hands, trying to blink his tear away. He no longer belonged to himself. He was now, someone else's!

Xiao Zhan did not know that he had pressed Wang Yibo's hand to ground himself until Yibo whispered,

"Is everything alright?"

Xiao Zhan looked at Yibo, startled. 'How did he know that I wasn't feeling well?' he asked himself and that's when he realised that he was holding on to Yibo tighter. He soon loosened his grip on Yibo but to his astonishment, Yibo did not let go of him. Wang Yibo held his hand tighter yet gentler and caressed the back of his hand. Xiao Zhan was taken aback by Yibo's.... What should he call it? Love? Affection? Or...

The priest's voice brought him back to his senses.

"You can exchange your vows." The priest said.

'Vows? What....'

"I, Wang Yibo," Yibo's voiced pierced through Zhan's ears and deep into his heart, "take you, Xiao Zhan, for my lawful husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part. I will love and honor you all the days of my life."

Xiao Zhan looked straight into Yibo finding fir a trace of pretence but he could not find it. Yibo's words rang in his ear repeatedly making his heart beat faster. 'Is it a... confession...?'

"A-Zhan..." Uncle Jiang whispered right behind him, indicating him to say out his vows.

"I..." Xiao Zhan hesitated. Taking a deep breath in, he said,

"I, Xiao Zhan, take you, Wang Yibo, for my lawful husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part. I will love and honor you all the days of my life."

 He said the whole thing in one single breath and once he was done, Xiao Zhan could feel his heart beat faster than ever!

Did he just....

Xiao Zhan closed his eyes, trying to keep himself from fainting fir he was going through a lot that he could take in.

"Now, you may kiss each other."

The priest voice broke his trance.

Xiao Zhan whipped his eyes open and looked at Yibo who was smiling!

'No....!' Xiao Zhan cried on his mind, 'Yibo cannot kiss me. He should not....'

Xiao Zhan did not know what he was thinking. They were married now and this is what the married couples do. This was not something abnormal and he should be prepared for it already. But....

Xiao Zhan did not want to kiss Wang Yibo and obviously not right here. Kissing Wang Yibo was the least thing that he wanted to do. No! This cannot happen.

Xiao Zhan was expecting Wang Yibo to step closer to him and close the distance between them with his lips and was almost felt like puking just thinking of it. But God had other plans for him.

Xiao Zhan was almost going to pass out when Wang Yibo gently lifted his hand, up to his mouth and pressed a gentle kiss on the back of his hand and whispered,

 "I love you. And I promise to take good care of you from now on and forever!"

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