How they comfort a insecure fem reader

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TW:Body negativity,and self consciousness.

Twilight:You couldn’t help it as your arms tighten around your waist or they way your eyes scan every part of your body.Seeming to find almost anything that could be seen as even slight imperfection.But it always came back to the conclusion of your body shape.You knew it was stupid as your friend group was all kinds of body shapes and they were all beautiful.From pinkies light chubby stomach to Rainbow Dash lean figure.But when you saw yourself you always thought you should change by either losing or gaining weight.”Hun? What are you doing?”You lossend your grip but couldn’t bring yourself to remove them completely especially in front of twilight.”S-sorry twi just uh got distracted.”You hoped to ease her ever curious mind,but when you felt a hand on your shoulder you knew you failed.”Why were you staring in the mirror Y/n?”Her voice concerned.You shook your head “Nothing! Just got distracted.”You keep your eyes locked to the ground.”I have a feeling you're not telling me everything.From the way your arms are wrapped around your wasit and your eyes scanning your body before I came in.I’m going to say your not feeling the best of yourself.”You gasp slightly at how much she knew without you having to tell her.Before you could say anything “I’m sorry if that was blunt.But I didn;t think you would tell me anything.”She rubbed the back of her neck before shaking her head and placing a hand on your shoulder.”I don’t understand what your seeing that I don’t.I see a beautiful body.I see a great personality.I mean I see eyes that hold answer to question I haven’t even asked.I see the prettiest women I’ve laid my eyes on.”You couldn’t help the tears that fall down your face as you turned towards twilight.Who said nothing but opened her arms which you buried yourself in.Listening to her whisper sweet nothings in your ear.

Sunset:You knew it was probably over dramatic to rush out of a party with your friends and girlfriend.But they way people eyes lingered on you when you walked in just set something off in you.You usually wore jeans and long sleeve but tonight you were wearing something more “fashionable” as rarity said.The logical side of you was telling you that it was just different for them to see you in that like it was new for you but the more self-loathing side told you they were judging and staring at you.You sat yourself down on the steps near the entrance trying to even your breathing.”Babe? Are you okay?”Your head snapped over to see Sunset giving you a small frown but her eyes held nothing but concern and worry.You gave a watery laugh “I’m fine sunshine.Just needed some-uh air yea air.”You turn back burying your head in your knees.You felt her sit beside you throwing her arm over your shoulder pulling you closer.”I’m not buying it.”She said softly not wanting to make you think she was mad at you.You sigh “Just how do I look tonight?In this.”You motion towards your outfit.Sunset was taken back for a minute but her face turned to anger and worry “Did someone say something?Who was it?”She went to stand up before you pulled her back down.”No one said anything sunny just thoughts.”You looked away from her again.You felt an hand cupping your cheek turning you towards her.”Well I for one think you look stunning.But you look good any and every day.It is something new but it dosen’t change that you look good in anything.”She kissed you softly pulling back chuckling at your red face.”Wanna head back in?”She stood up offering a hand.You took it giving her a smile and a nod.

Pinkie:You didn’t know why but you woke up feeling horrible today and not the headache type but the horrible mental type of day.As soon as you got dressed your mind started picking out things it saw as wrong or needed work.You tried to ignore it but it was all becoming to much from the over analyzing of others stares and whispers to the the overthinking of everyones opinion on you.It made you overwhelmed and snappy all day.You thought if you would avoid as many people as you could the thoughts would die down a little.But actually they made them worse as you were thinking of how you just messed up friendships and your relationship by ignoring them all day.During gym when you went to change that was your breaking point.From seeing others confident in tank tops and shorts while you were in a t-shirt and sweats.You found yourself running out the gym without an explanation into a restroom down another hall.When you ran in you locked yourself in the stale sliding down onto the floor.Your phone was buzzing and it was just overstimulating you you picked it from you pocket just wanting to turn it off when you accidentally opened the camera.You didn’t make a move to close it out even if you knew it wasn’t a good idea.You found yourself staring back into your own eyes noticing every little flaw you could fine.”Y/N! ARE YOU IN HERE!? CUPCAKE!!”You turned off your phone hoping not to make noise as you didn;t want pinkie to see you like this.In your dissociated state at your phone you forgot to turn off your ringtone which went off.”Y/n!”She knocked on the door rapidly.You knew if you didn’t unlock it she would try everything to open it so you reached a shaky hand to the door and unlocked it.Quickly hiding your face in your knees hoping to avoid any eye contact.”What’s wrong cupcake?”She sat down beside you patting your knee.You just looked away not knowing how to answer.”Let me guess.You woke up in a bad head day.That’s why you’ve been so cranky and your thoughts got bad so something in gym pushed you into a panic state.”She looked over at you silently asking if she was right.Your eyes were widen but you nodded your head and raised an eyebrow.She gave a small smile “Just a hunch.”You couldn’t help the quiet laugh your eccentric girlfriend got out of you.She kissed your forehead “Well don’t listen to your brain! Cause it’s way wrong! You're one of prettiest women i’ve ever seen! And you are just plain out amazing!”She wrapped you in a side hug as you melted within her arms.”Let’s skip class for a bit!”She told you pulling you closer.

(So I have the rest of the character to do! But I’m probably going to do more versions of these.Where in females I mostly focus on body issues.I’ll do a male version tied into emotional insecurities and image issues.And i’ll do a gender neutral version!)


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