First date

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-It’s twilight it was a study date.

-You were fine with it as she had music and promised if you foucsed she’s get you ice cream

-You both studied for a bit.

-You talked her into watching a movie with you.

-So near the end you were watching a movie while laying in her lap while she read.

-You feel asleep in her lap as she was reading.


-She took you to the mall

-You both window shopping

-Her buying you some food

-Deciding to walk you back home

-She took a scenic route to show you some sites.


-She invited you to work with her at the bakery.

-She was excited the whole time jumping up and down and rambling.

-She even made you some of your favorite desserts for your break.

-You both had a food fight at some point.

-Her teaching you as much as she can while she cooks!

-Makes it your guys thing so she decided to do it with you more often.

Rainbow Dash:

-A soccer game

-You both had a race to see who could find seats frist.

-She bought the food even when you protested.

-Making bets on which team would win

-Her walking you home at the end


-Took you to sweet apple acres

-Introduced you to her family

-You helping her with what you could around the farm

-Her teaching you how to make apple pie.

-You both falling asleep under an apple tree


-The mall!
-But unlike Sunset she took you in almost every store.

-Buying anything she saw take more then two glances at

-She took you to a fancy restaurant near the end paying for it all

-You walking her to her door (since you both are neighbors)

-Her kissing your cheek.


-To a diner

-She knew you wouldn’t like something fancy so she took you to a diner

-After you both ate you took a walk around town

-Her singing to you

-You dropping her off since you live with sunset


-To the park

-You knew she wouldn’t like nothing big or crowded

-You had a picnic sat out for you both

-As she saw all the different animals she told you almost everything she knew about them

-You stayed out long enough to star gaze

-You walked her home 

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