Enchanted voices Pt 2

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Insight:You’ve started dating the Dazzlings.Always going off and being with them.Your friends start to notice your strange behavior and try and reason and it does not go over well..

Noones pov:”Babe!!”You felt someone jump on your back.”Why hello there sonata.”You hoist her up and she hugs your neck.You couldn’t help the smile that came on your face when her or the other girls where around.”Sonata don’t hog them!”You turned to see a annoyed Aria.Sonata stuck her tongue out like child burying her face in your hair.Aria walked up to you and kissed you and pulled back smirking at your flustered face.You didn’t notice the light pink musk going into the girls pendants.”Why hello there pretty/handsome.”You looked behind Aria to see a smirking Adagio.Sonata hops off your back kissing your cheek and grabbing your forearm.While Aria rolls her eyes at her but grabs your hand.You chuckle at their behavior “Sorry luvs but I have to go help the rainbooms practice for a bit.”You slip out of their grasp.You noticed Sonata pout and the other twos glare.You turn and give Aria and Sonata a kiss on the cheek and Adagio a small peck on the lips.”I’ll be back during lunch.”You walk off as all three of them either wink or blow a kiss.”Ahh they are amazing!”Sonata had a love struck look on her face.Aria nodded “For once I agree with you.”Adagio laughed but her face turned serious “Now to make sure those rainbooms don’t try and ruin it.”They all gave each other a mischievous look.(In the music room) When you walked in you expected to see the setting up but they were all standing around the room.As soon as you stepped in all eyes were on you.You scanned the room and took notice of a certain purple skinned dimension crosser.”Oh-hey twilight.”You did feel a little bad for not greeting her or not knowing how long she's been here.”Where have you been!”Rainbow shouted at you.You sighted knowing this was coming one way or another as you’ve been hanging out with your girls a lot more.”I’ve been hanging out with the Dazzlings.”You looked down to the ground.”The whole reason we called twilight here!”Sunset’s voice rose a little.”We done told ya to stay away from th’m”Applejacks southern accent was more noticeable as she was angry.You looked up and saw Fluttershy and pinkie giving disappointed looks.”Darling we just don’t think you need to be around them.”Rarity was trying to keep her angry underwraps.Something in you snapped “So what! Just because I’m hanging with other people who in fact are my girlfriends doesn't mean you all can get jealous!”You’ve never yelled at any of them so they were taken back.”See! You’ve changed, you've never yelled at us! And here you are!”Sunset stood a few feet away from you, not breaking eye contact.”You literally called twilight here! They haven’t even done anything!”You threw your arms up in frustration.”They might..”You heard fluttershy mumble.You groan in frustration “Whatever! I’m not just gonna stand here and let you talk down about my partners cause all of you are afraid of a bit of competition!”You slammed the door to the music room.”Somethings totally wrong!”Pinkie yelled at the group.(With you) You were fuming you wanted to go hangout with your friends and apologize for being away for so long.But no! They had to ruin it all by being jealous over the Dazzlings.You huffed sliding down on the wall outside in front of the school.”Stupid battle of the bands!”You mumble to yourself.Yu wanted both of the most important groups of people in your life to get along but that's becoming very hard.”Hey hun! You ok?”You look up to sonata and the other two.”Do I finally get to punch one of the rainbooms!”Aria beamed with excitement.You sighted “No Aria..We just had an argument.”You looked away.Adagio sat down and pulled you into her side “About us?”She raised a eyebrow.You leaned into her touch but nodded.Aria rolled her eyes “They can get over it.”She grumbled under her breath but stopped when Adagio glared.Sonata smiled “No need to get so upset! How about we go get some tacos! And then you can hear our new song for the battle of the bands!”She was jumping up and down like a child.You couldn’t help but smile slightly and nod “Alright! Come on girls lets go.”You stood you standing in between Adagio and aria as sonata jumped on your back again.A light pink musk filling the girls pendants as they walked but all were wearing sad smiles but trying not to let you see.

(Pt 3 coming soon!)

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