Enchanted voices pt 3! (Final)

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Insight:During the battle of the bands you were under a different spell then the other students.The spell you were under made you feel like you had to be by the Dazzlings.When they were defeated and ran off stage.You decided to confront and comfort them.

Noone’s pov:You stood at the side of the stage as you watched your girl-no the dazzlings run off stage.You didn’t know what to do or how to feel.So many thoughts were going through your head.Was it all a lie? Were they using you? Did they even care?You wiped your tears not wanting to make the situation worse.But you felt stuck.”Y/n..”You looked up when you heard a voice you didn’t want to hear but at the same time you were glad you did.You saw the girls looking horrible.Sonata had a tear stained face while Aria looked overcome with guilt and trying to hold back her own tears.Adagio was standing in the middle of the two like everytime you all walked together.But her once confident and stunning composer was there no more.You felt so many emotions overcoming you.”You lied.”Was all you could manage to say before you broke out into quiet sobs.”We-we never meant to hurt you!”Sonata shouted as she didn’t want one of the good things in her life to leave.”We did a stupid thing.”Aria was looking at the ground aggressively, wiping her eyes trying to prevent tears.”Was it all a lie! You didn’t care about me..Were you using me?”Your voice breaking at the end.Adagio stepped forward she grabbed your chin “No! We weren’t..we just felt as if we needed to.We truly do love you but we were..”Adagio stopped talking not knowing how to word it.”Scared.”Aria and sonata said at the same time.While adagio just nodded not saying anything.”I mean hello we’re sirens for crying out loud! Who would love us beside each other.”Aria had her eyes glued to the ground.You were taken back as Aria never showed much emotions at all.You backed away from Adagio.She closed her eyes thinking you were going to yell at them and leave.You tackled her into a hug with the other two behind her.Resulting in you all to hit the ground.”You idiots! I love you all! I am hurt about the spell but I want to show you I care without a spell.”You were hugging Adagio like your like was depending on it.”That should be easy seeing that our pendants were smashed.”Sonata said bluntly but laughed at the end.Aria and Adagio rolled their eyes playfully.”But..we all have to apologize to the rainbooms.And Aria no starting a fight.”You wiped the last of your tears and gave them a smile.Arai groaned but kissed your cheek “Fine.”Sonata then pulled you away from Adagio pulling you into a bone crushing hug and pecking your lips.Adagio pulled your back towards her and into a kiss.You smiled thinking how this was a very eventful battle of the bands.

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