Chapter 18

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Cartman pov:

Oh shit oh shit oh shit, if there is going to be a war they are going to win. They have lady Y/n with them oh no.

These good for nothing warriors are really annoying me and even my top 4 aren't close to how good lady Y/n is. With both Stan and her, the elven kingdom will take over in no time

The only option we have left is to give harsher training sessions, they'll obviously have too much protection on lady Y/n right now or have her already on their side. God I hope not.

It's going to be dark soon, guess I can think about it overnight. Then I'll also figure out a way to get my money back

"Alright guys, time to go home bye" I said into the microphone and went inside my house to my room

I still can't believe those dirty elves tricked me.

Princess kenny pov:

I might send another spy to spy on them tomorow. Then we'll know the right action to take.

I walk home slowly


"I know dad, I'm going to bed now" 

--Next day at school--

Bebe pov:

"Ugh I wish I could know what the boys are thinking of right now" I said to Wendy and Red

"Yeah, if only a certain someone didn't make the only person who could hate us" Red said rolling her eyes

"Come on Red, you know that isn't my fault. Anyways, we need to have another meeting. Can you hold one after school Wendy?"

"Sure, I'll text the girls"

"Great, thanks"

--After school in the girls toilets --

"Alright, order. Bebe wanted me to hold this meeting, so you can start us off"

"Thanks Wendy, anyways, I wanted to hold this meeting for the Y/n situation"

"Didn't we have our last one about her the day before?"

"Yes, but I have an idea. If she doesn't want to spy for us now, we can make her. We will join the boys' little game, get her on our side and when we win, for winning she will spy on the boys!:

"There are many things wrong with that plan. First, no way the boys will let us play with them. Second, she is not the person to join someone's side for no specific reason. Third, it's a replay game, there is no winning or losing. Fourth, she would still never agree to spy for us" Allie explained

"True.." Libby, what is her status in the game right now?"

"It seems like she will join the elven kingdom after she found out 'princess kenny' is a player"

"Damn it that was my only other plan. Well, we can just invite ourselves into the game, kidnap her, force her to join us and while she's on our side, get her to spy on the boys"

"I guess that could work.." Sally agreed

"Yeah" Tammy and a phew other girls agreed

"Then I think we know the next action to take." Wendy finished, slamming her hammer

(Help it can't just be me that realised how much girl names end with 'y' in South park)

Kyle pov:

"Stan. Do you really think she's ready?"

"Yes, your majesty"

"Alright then. I trust your word. I'll tell her now" I said and went into my sisters tent

"Oh hey bro"

"Hey sis, me and Stan were talking and we think you are ready to truly be the princess of the elven kingdom and in charge whenever I'm gone or if something happens to me"

"Oh.. wow thank you!!" She said and ran up to me to hug me

"No problem, Stan will help get you ready for your coronation. I'll let the kingdom know"

"Thank you brother" she said letting go of me and I smiled

"Stan, you may go with her to the store and pick out a dress for her coronation" I said

"And maybe this is your chance to make a move" I said the last bit quietly so only he can hear

"Wait what?!"

Stan pov:

"Does he really think we like eachover that way?!"

"Yep. It's funny to be honest though"

We laughed for a second

"Well, lets go to the store then"

I am so sorry for the shorter chapters😭

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