Chapter 2

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Y/n pov:

"Welcome, to the kingdom of kupa keep!" Paladin Butters exclaimed as they entered Cartman's back yard

'I was obviously getting stares from people in the kingdom, as I was the only girl. But all I have to do is think of a speech which could get the fat piece of shit to let me in the game'

"Butters, why the FUCK did you bring a girl in here" The great wizard king shouted from across the yard as we walked in his direction

"Oh, uhh, sorry wizard! I thought I could since she asked-"

"If you don't mind, your majesty-"

"Oh my god, of ALL the girls you could have picked, you had to pick the fucking jew, of course."

'How pleasant'

"Sir, I realised that my brother has been causing many problems for you, please give me a chance, I want his kingdom and the elf's gone just as much as you do, what I was thinking, in two days, let me fight some of your warriors, and if I win, you let me join, if not, well I'll leave you alone."

The grand wizard thought for a second

"Fine, I guess if you really think your that strong, you'll probably be of help to us. Princess Kenny will teach you the type of combat we're using and you better be here in 2 days."

"Thank you your majesty" I said as I bowed down

'Just then, someone who I would like to think is Princess Kenny came out of the tent. I never saw Kenny without his hood off and if you piece both the name and the fact that her face looks nothing like the boys' in school, well you realise it's him'

"Hello, fellow woman! I will teach you of our combat!"

'she seemed really in role'

"Hello princess" I said as I bowed down

'She giggled for a second, it was cute and funny how well Kenny can act as a princess'

"First thing you'll need to know, is that there are 4 ways to attack your enemies, the weakest being using a ranged weapon, it can be very handy and since I'm an archer, it deals extra damage to the enemies. Then we have melee weapons, you need to go up to your enemy and try attack them, however some enemies can block a lot quicker than others, so think smart about how you want to attack them. Then you have using your power points (PP) and your farts (mana) you get a certain number of PP at the beginning of each round, while your mana, being the most powerful, doesn't give you a new amount each time, just keeps to however much you were on before. But you can get more using potions, potions can be for all sorts of things, more health, more PP, getting your negative status effects removed, you know what I mean"

I wrote most of it, or at least the most important bits on a piece of paper

"That's a lot of rules, but I think I understand"

"You get used to them, but before you start training, we need an outfit for you!"

"You get used to them, but before you start training, we need an outfit for you!"

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(If you're stuck, here's an idea on what you could wear)

"It looks so pretty on you Y/n!!" Princess Kenny squealed 

"it does? Thank you! But how are you so sure that Ill be able to beat the kings warriors?"

"Look, they may be strong, but it's obvious you are too all you really need to do is get used to the combat, lets have a little one vs one right now, don't worry, I'll go easy since it's your first time"

-- After fight --

"You're stronger than you look Y/n! You may have lost this time but I'm one of the kings greatest warriors, which makes me even more sure that by the end of the 2 days, you'll kick ass!"

"Thanks princess" I say, tired after the match

--Over the next 2 days you train with princess and come closer--

"wow.. You beat me.. You go girl!! The great wizard king will for sure let you into the KKK now!" Princess Kenny complimented

"Hopefully, what time is it?"

"2:55, you better head to the wizard now" The princess giggled

"Oh shit- Well, thanks for the help!!" I ran to Cartman's house

"Well, guess the jew actually got the balls come and don't think we're going easy on you just because your a girl" The wizard king laughed

"Don't worry, Im ready" 

-- After the fight because I can not make fight scenes --

Great wizard king/cartman pov:

Y/n's nose was bleeding and looked pretty bruised. But she won. She beat my soldiers. This girl may be more useful than I thought..

"So? Is that all?" Y/n laughed

"Alright.. Welcome Lady Y/n to the kingdom of kupa keep" I said in defeat

"Princess, thank you for all your help" Y/n said while smiling 

"Lady Y/n, as our enemies' sister, you need to make sure none of the elf's recognise you, so on any mission I send you on, just remember to disguise yourself, it's better for them not to know for as long as possible"

"Yes and thank you your majesty" She said as she bowed down

"Everyone, it's getting dark, go to your homes for now and remember to come back tomorow" I shouted so everyone could hear me 

Just another day as the most awesome great wizard king known

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