Chapter 19

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Princess kenny pov:

"Grand wizard, Lady Y/n is with stan marshwalker right now, they are heading to the mall, apparently they just finished rebuilding it"

"I see, and is she cuffed up or anything?"

"Nope" My spy said

"Who was asking you Druid Nate"

"Oh, uhh sorry your majesty"

"Anyways, that means we can attack now then! She will help us fight easily if we bi=ring lots of potions"


Y/n pov:

-- Few minutes later --

"They should have set everything up by the time we get back" Stan said to me

"Did they not need to go to the store or anything?"

"No, we were expecting this to happen for a while, we had everything bought ready for you"

"Oh, thats nice"

"AAH HA WE WILL GET YOU" A bunch of girls ran out the bush towards me

"What the fuck?" The wizard king came out of another bush with his own troops

"Someone tell me what's going on" I finally said

"We're just trying to get you back Lady Y/n" Some human shouted out

"Alright.. And umm.. You guys?"

"Oh we wanted to kidnap you" Bebe, the 'leader' told us

"First of all, no one fucking let you guys join, second of all, keep out of or game and third of all, im fine where I am thanks"

"What do you mean where you are?!" Princess kenny shouted 

"I mean just that, Im fine with the elves and I don't need everyone kidnapping me every two seconds it's getting really annoying"

"But you hate them..?!"

"Not any more. Now leave me and Stan the fuck alone I'm notgoing back to kupa keep and girls, just go back to your little court"

"How the fuck do you know about that." Wendy said seriously

"I have my ways. Now leave"

Then everyone slowly left, all pretty disapointed. Me and Stan were the total oppisite

"Wow Y/n! You really made all of them go away, that was awesome! Just be careful, they will just want to kidnap you more" Stan complimented me

"Yeah, don't worry, I'll be extra careful"

"Anyways, you have a coronation to get to! Your not even in your dress yet!""

"Yeah, don't worry though, I don't take forever to get changed like most people do. I'll be really quick"

"Alright well, welcome back to the elven kingdom"

All over the place was a bunch of elves being happy, putting up decorations and talking to each over exitedly

We went into the tent

"alright you get ready I'll be right outside"

-- After Y/n changed --

"Your right it was way faster than I expected" He said as soon as I came out dressed

"Your brother said he'll come and tell us when we are starting, so we can chill until then"

Butters pov:

When we got back to kupa keep, princess kenny wouldn't stop crying and I was comforting her

"W-why would she want to be on their side.. She said they abused her and that it was a living hell, why did she want to come back?" She finally told me after she finally calmed down a bit

I'll be honest, i had a crush on princess kenny for a while, this might be my chance! It'll just be a bit scary actually asking and what if I get rejected?! Oh the wizard king will never let me forget that..

"I don't know princess kenny, but I'm here for you whenever you need me"

"Thanks paladin, your a really good friend, too nice being honest" She smiled

That is one step closer, this is good, she thinks of me as a friend! 

"There, there little buddy, you can let it out, no one is stopping you"

She kept on sobbing

I understand if the princess wants to be with someone else, but with Lady Y/n betraying her like that, I feel like I'm the next one! But I won't be the the one to confess.. She can do that when she likes me enough..

Cartman pov:

That dirty paladin. Trying to get with the princess. He was probably the one who got Lady Y/n to join the elves back as well, just to get with her. Not on my watch.

The problem is, even if I am the king, everyone some fucking how likes him, so I'll need a good reason with proof to kick him out

I'll find something.. trust me my dear paladin, you will get kicked out

Bebe pov:

"Bebe, what was that supposed to do." Red looked at me angrilly

"I dont know, Im sorry girls"

"You better be, we dont want to be friends with you any more. Be a loner, at least Y/n had the boys when she got kicked out, you have nobody"

"Wha- what.."

"You heard her right Bebe, just go you bitch" Wendy added

"Oh.. Alright."

I went out of the bathrooms and sat on a bench in the play ground

I can't argue with them, they have every argument against me, if I try argue back I'll sound stupid

I guess I could ask Kyle if I can join, I mean, it  was obvious that he liked me for a while, I liked him too. I just got with Clyde for free shoes, until he broke up with me for that bitch Y/n.

She obviously rejected him, that is what you get for breaking up with me

Maybe I can be Kyle's queen! And then I could kick Y/n out the game, bitch deserves it

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