Chapter 23

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Y/n pov:

"Everyone's ready for you" Stan said as he entered my tent

"Alright, not stressful at all.. Uhh.." I muttered under my breath

"It'll be fine" He said and quickly ran out

It's alright Y/n, they love you, nothing to worry about..

I went out of the tent and onto the stage, as I came on I could see so much elves clapping and cheering for me, this made me feel a bit better

"Thank you everyone, for coming today for my sisters coronation. I'm sure we are all very exited to have her as official princess of the elven kingdom" The elven king started, but at that moment I stopped listening.

I can't help it, but I feel somethings off.. It's this really uncomfortable feeling in my stomach, I really don't like it. But I think it's better to ignore it, it can't mean anything good

"Y/n, you need to go up to the king now" Stan whispered in my ear, stopping my thoughts

"Oh yeah, sorry I was daydreaming" I whispered back

"Hello everyone, I personally am very exited to officaly be your princess and even though you guys don't know me as well as my brother, I hope that if something sadly happens to him, you guys will be just as happy with me, thank you" I said into the microphone and sat back down

I totally did not just make that on the spot ughh that sucked so bad

"Alright everyone, it's now finally time for the bit you were all waiting for, the coronating!"

The bard then came onto the stage with a crown made out of branches, nearly identical to the elven kings right now just a bit smaller to fit my head and with obviously different branches

I once again got up and kneeled down on one leg, Kyle about to place the crown onto my head but then

"PAUSE THAT RIGHT NOW" A voice shouted from the back of the crowd

Wait, no it can't be.. Is it-


 Alright, so i wasnt just seeing things.. and is that the paladin with her?"

"Stop! Stop! We don't have any weapons, we do not wish to fight, just hear me out"

"Let them speak." The king commanded 

"Lady Y/n, you are-"

"Oh why did I even try be nice. Just get her"

"Let her finish speaking brother" I said to Kyle harshly

"Well, go on"

"Look, the things about me being a player, well it's true. But, the thing is, I wasn't trying to ruin someone's love life, I was just looking for, the one. Turns out it's painfully obvious when I truly like someone, because somehow people can see it in my eye? I dont even know, but when we got together, I knew, you were the one I was looking for. I didn't want to tell you because I was scared you'll think of me badly. Also, is it really not that obvious that your brother and Stan overegsagurated everything. A lot" She explained

But it all made sense. I mean, knowing those two of course. 

"So, even if you dont want to come back and want me as prisoner, I just want you to know. That I love you"

Then, I took a knife out of my handbag, everyone thought I was going to point it at princess kenny who looked terrified. But to everyone's shock, I put in front of Kyle.

"So did you really know the truth? About how she really loved me? Or did you just want me on your team? Speak."

"pah-p-puh-yes.. I just didnt want to lose my little sister, as your odler brother I need to take care of you and I didnt think kupa keep is the best place for you to be in, especially with that slut and fat fuck"

"Oh yeah, speaking of, fatass you can come out, I know your here somewhere, i heard you snacking on some chips earlier" I said to the crowd and then the wizard king and 3 other humans came up onto the stage

"Is that all of you guys?" I asked the barbarian

"U-Uh- gah! this is too much pressure!"

"Yes, it was just us four" The thief said emotionlessly

"Alright. Well, I'm coming back to kupa keep. I would rather be a traitor to my blood than have to be with you stupid fucks. Hey wizard king! You have a spell that can make the pointy bit of my ears go away?"

"Yeah, I'll check the spell at kupa keep"

"Fuck you Kyle, and Stan I thought you were a good friend, but at the end of the day, your still a stupid elf."

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