Chapter 8- Håller in håller ut (Keep it in, endure it)

Start from the beginning

After lunch Jan offered to take care of the dishes so Elda could work on her song, so while he stayed inside, she went back to the balcony, writing faster than she could ever remember writing a chorus before.

Brukar fantisera
Om dig och mig, men velar
Det kanske bara krånglar till det hela
Vi har det ju det bra ändå

(Usually fantasize
of you and me, but doubts it
Maybe it just complicates matters
We have it pretty good after all)

Vi har varit vänner flera år
Håller in, håller ut
Det börjar bli för svårt
Håller in, håller ut

(We've been friends for many years
Keep it in, endure it
It's becoming too hard
Keep it in, endure it)

Vill ba' skrika över stan
Sova hela dan
Skriva tiotusen låtar
Gråta kommunalt
Vill få dig att förstå, att det nog alltid varit du
Men håller in, håller ut

(Just want to scream across the city
sleep all day
write ten thousand songs
Cry publicly
want to make you understand that it's probably always been you
but keep it in, endure it)

As she got lost in her thoughts she suddenly felt a gentle hand being placed on her shoulder. She looked up to see Jan standing behind her with a soft smile on his face.

"How's it going?" He asked, just as softly as he smiled. It instantly made Elda smile back at him as she responded to his question. "Better actually, I've got an idea of how to finish it"

"Oh yeah?" He said of genuine interest. "What's it about?" The question made Elda nervous, leaving her stuttering out the first syllables of her answer. "Oh, um, you know. It's about society making us fit into these templets and us having to keep our true self in and kind of endure the pain of it." She was telling the truth, partly, she had explained the first verse and main point of the song, she just hadn't told him the main focus of it.

"That sounds like a great idea Elda" he said while smiling at her.

"You think so?" She said uncertainly. "You know the song I just released, flyg fula fluga flyg (Fly ugly fly, fly)?" Jan nodded. "It's just hit the top list in Sweden" she said excitedly. "I haven't had a real hit since För evigt (forever), and that song isn't really from the best time of my life. So, it feels good to have another song out there. This song I'm writing now is feeling special" Just like you she thought. "So, I'm hoping it will be a success as well."

Jan went on to assure her it would most likely be a success, considering her current status in the Swedish music industry. He stayed on the seat next to hers, switching between looking at the view of the buildings beside and looking at Elda's focused face.

Alltid varit rädd för att bli bränd igen
Men aldrig varit säker på hur kärlek känns
Fan inte så konstigt man strular runt med sig själv
För alla letar svaret, så ingen kan va till hjälp

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