2/8/2016 (12:21 a.m.)

1 1 0

I'm afraid I'll end up

Forgetting who I am.

My name.

My family.

My everything.

I'm only 25,

Could I really forget

So young?


It happens.

But will it to me?

This is probably a

Different kind of


Not the kind that happens

To old people.

But to people

Like me.



The kind of

Forgetfulness where you

Don't forget all the

Bad shit you've done.

The faces of

All those people.

Their horrified expressions.

Their widened eyes.

Their desperate attempts

To get away.

I tried to get away once,

But look where that got me.

In here.

I'll forget all the good things.


I know I will.

I wonder what would happen

If I didn't try to run away.

Maybe none of this

Would've happened.

Although I do doubt it.

I would've kept

Killing people.

I don't think I'd

Ever stop until I got caught.

Unfortunately that happened

A little earlier than I

Had hoped.

I knew I was gonna

Die eventually.

I deserved it.

It was coming for me.

I just didn't realize it until

September 14, 2015.

My first day in this dump.

And damn,

Now it's 2016,

Now it's February.

Day one hundred forty nine

In this place.

Feels weird writing it down.

Also feels weird

Saying it outloud.

I've been in here

For too long.

Just get it

Over with already!

Kill me off!

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