9/23/2015 (6:00 P.M.)

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My sister, Winter.

She got her name because she was

Born four days

Before Christmas.

The day Winter started,

December 21.

It would always get hectic

During December,

Buying gifts and planning

A party.

Then having Christmas

Right after.

December is just a month

Full of spending money.

I'm sure all the stores

Love that time of year.

Our names should be

Plated in gold

on their walls because 

Of how many times

We go into their buildings and

Waste our money.

I miss times like that,

Even if it was


I miss

The craziness.

I miss having

Problems everywhere.

I miss every second

Of every minute

Of every hour

Of every moment.

But we got through it.

We always did.

Together, too.

That's how it was

For 16 years.

For 16 years,

It was perfectly fine.


I killed someone

When I was just

16 years old.

Crazy to think about. 

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