10/25/2015 (6:05 P.M.)

2 1 0

Troy and I would

Always visit the park on


Only Saturdays.

It was a routine.

One that was always


And obeyed.

Sometimes we'd play


I was always bad

at the sport,

Any time I'd win

It would be because

Troy took pity on me

And let me win.

Sometimes we'd just

Walk around and

Talk about the

Randomest things.

A lot of it was

About school though,

Or a new video game that

Had come out recently.

It was always nice

Talking to him,

Brought light to my day.

I wonder if I'll ever

Have a talk like that again

With a person like Troy.

I don't think so.

But hey,

Things can happen.

Even if believed impossible.

I've seen it happen,

I've seen it. 

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