12/16/2015 (2:01 P.M.)

2 1 0

There's a clock

In this cell.

It's so loud.

Blaring in my ear,

I can't sleep.

I can't think.

I can't do anything.

It's like it's

Taunting me.

But all it is

Is a mindless clock,

Doing its job in

Telling the time

When people look at it.

It's not doing its job

For me though.

It's too loud.

So its job is not to

Tell the time,

But to be silent.

And it's failing

Miserably right now.

It's dark in here, too.

It's hard to see what

I'm writing.

Hopefully nothing's

Spelt incorrectly.

That would be


And nobody likes

Being embarrassed.


Maybe a psychopath.

But I wouldn't know.

I've never met one. 

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