12/2/2015 (7:34 A.M.)

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I miss them.

Charlie and Cheryl.

Mom and Momma.

I don't care if they favored

Winter over me.

I don't care.

I just want a hug.

Mom's hugs were always

Tight and secure,

I remember always feeling

Out of breath within the

First 6 seconds

Of a hug with her.

Momma's hugs were

The opposite.

Soft and warm.

Like a comfortable rain on a spring evening.

I never wanted to leave

Her hugs.

I remember being one of

Those kids who would

Push their parents away

When getting hugged,

Especially since I got older.

I'm jealous of

12 year old Sal.

I would die

For a hug right

About now. 

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