Chapter 6: Ainz and Stella first Journey

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"Such things are actually possible," said Ainz "yes you can make a lot with creation magic, even basics like salt and sugar there are also spells like alarm that can warn you when danger is nearby," said ninya "I see may I ask something else," said Ainz "the more I know the more questions I have it seems their technology level is that of the middle ages, but the sophistication of their magic is on a different level," thought Momonga "I just realized you seem super relaxed, kasumi is it because you know that I'm you safe," said Lukrut "it has nothing to do with you lady kasumi is safe with us," said Narberal "so, what you're telling me is that the two of you are lovers and kasumi parents," said Lukrut as Narberal gasp"no I never said that stop putting words in my mouth lady Albedo is the only one they need...," said Narberal.

"Stop, Nabe what are you thinking," said Ainz as Narberal covered her mouth with her hands then Ainz clears his throat "mr. Lukrut, please stop looking into our personal lives," said Ainz "sure my bad though, from the sound of it you're one lucky man, mr. Momon," said Lukrut "I'm sorry he can be really idiotic sometimes please forgive him I promise he doesn't mean any harm by it," said peter "it's fine as long as he's careful from now on we'll have no trouble," said Ainz "you really need to stop delving into people's business- -," said peter as Lukrut raise his hand to stop peter "they're on the move," said Lukrut as the group gasp "from where," asked peter "just past the tree line," said Lukrut as they see ogre and goblins coming to the open.

 Momon," said Lukrut "I'm sorry he can be really idiotic sometimes please forgive him I promise he doesn't mean any harm by it," said peter "it's fine as long as he's careful from now on we'll have no trouble," said Ainz "you really need to stop d...

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"I don't think we'll be able to avoid this fight," said Lukrut "it's going to get rough very quickly the best thing you can do is stay hidden in the cart," said peter "Kay my life is your hands," said nfirea "mr. Momon, what's the best way to split the group up," said peter "all of you should stay close to nfirea I'll show him that our services are worth every coin," said Ainz "that sounds good to me but we're not just gonna watch you'll have all the extended support we can muster," said peter "if we go completely defensive, most of them will escape back to the forest," said ninya "in that case, I say we do the usual pull the turtle's head out of it shell and cut it off," said Lukrut "it's a sound strategy but still even though mr. Momon will take the brunt of their attack what about the ones that get through," said dyne.

"That's easy I'll use my fortress martial art and hold back the ogres the goblins are yours," said peter "I was hoping you'd say that," said dyne "ninya, you'll protect me with defensive magic once I'm clear, focus on crowd control and attack spells," said peter "right no prob," said ninya "lukrut, you'll take  care of any wayward goblins and if an ogre gets pass me, take it out," said peter "leave it to me," said lukrut "does all of that work work for you, mr.Momon," said peter "yes," said Ainz as lukrut take out a arrow "here goes," said lukrut as he fired the arrow  in the air and landed in front of the monsters and the goblins laugh then continued "fell for it," said lukrut as he grab another arrow then fired it and killing [goblin 6c] "reinforce, armor," said ninya as green aura covered peter.

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