chapter 8

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"Forget it."

Michael did not want to make trouble. He was the richest man in Winter Town now, so he valued his reputation and did not want to make a fool of himself in public.

Gail guessed. "That wicked girl is pretty. Maybe it is because Dr. Robinson wants to pursue her that he defended her. No wonder his attitude toward us is so unfriendly. He must be influenced by her!"

"Stop talking nonsense! Let's go in to see Mom."

"I wonder when she will wake up. I've asked my lawyer to draw up her last will. I will not feel relieved until she signs her name to leave all her property to us."

"Keep your voice down!"

Michael turned to glare at her and said, "Walls have ears!"

Gail hurriedly covered her mouth and closed the ward door.

Isabella didn't know their purpose for coming, so she said to Bennett behind her, "I still have something else to do. Please go to do your work."

"The medical report of Old Madam Brown..."

"You don't need to share it with me if there are no special

Suddenly. Bennett noticed the man waiting in front. He had crisp short hair and a slender figure, exuding a dignified aura.

Why was Benjamin here?

Isabella seemed to have gotten close to him since saving Old Mr. Mason.

Seeing them. Benjamin cast a glance at Bennett and soon turned to look at Isabella as if he didn't take the former seriously. Then, he softly asked, "Is there anything wrong?"


"You can tell me if you got in trouble. I'll handle it."

When Isabella raised her eyes and saw his serious face, she lightly said, "Nothing. I met two dogs. I want to go in to see Grandpa."


Benjamin stared after her until she entered the ward. Then, he raised his eyes to look at Bennett not far away.

Bennett didn't know whether he should say hello. After all, even his grandfather was in awe of Benjamin.

When he was hesitating. Benjamin withdrew his gaze and followed Isabella into the ward.

"Don't hesitate to tell Benjamin if anyone makes trouble for you. He will handle it! If you are not satisfied, you can talk to me! I will back you!"

Isabella said with her clear eyes flashing with a bright light, "Okay."

When she was about to leave, Old Mr. Mason was reluctant to part with her and repeatedly reminded her, saying, "I will be discharged from the hospital the day after tomorrow. Don't forget to come to see me off."

"I promise I will come."

After leaving the hospital, Isabella asked about Old Mrs. Mason's condition.

Benjamin replied in a deep voice, "It's a brain injury. She can spontaneously breathe and blink but has turned into a vegetable."

In short, she was like a living plant.

Isabella understood it. She had dealt with a difficult case a long time ago. The patient had also become a vegetable due to severe brain damage. Although she had cured him, she had used a lot of rare medicines, and some had been from illegal areas outside the border. All in all, the treatment had been very troublesome and difficult.

"What about we have dinner together?"

Isabella looked at the time. When she was about to say her parents were waiting for her at home, Benjamin took out his phone and made a call.

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