Chapter 33: Here's Kemokemo! A Place to Call Home!

Start from the beginning

Lucy: So Erza, what do you think we should do?

Erza is so cheerful with the sparkle in her eyes, not bothered, and thinks it's a dog.

Erza: Get a stick and play fetch! It must be a dog, just like Y/n's Summons and Grace! It's so cute!

Lucy: I forgot I asked.

Kemokemo starts to fly around the guildhall with his little wings while Natsu laughs happily and playfully chases him. The doors opened and revealed Y/n, Kuroka, Asia, Rossweisse, Chisato, Ur, Latina, and Grace in Eevee form (except Irene, Heine, and Juliet) walked in and joined with the members of Team Natsu.

Y/n: Hey guys, what's up?

Wendy: *smile* Hi Y/n, everyone! How are you today?

Kuroka: We're doing great, little cutie. Thanks for asking, nya.

Gray: Hey man! What's up with you?

Y/n: You know, relaxing, training and exercises, my usual routine. Oh, and eating strawberry sundaes.

Lucy: Don't you get tired of eating the same thing?

Y/n: Heh! No way, sister. Strawberry sundae is the best dessert for my liking. *sighs* Man, I am really going for a delicious pizza right about now.

Carla: Pardon me for asking. What is this 'pizza' you spoke of?

Y/n: It's a dish of a flat round baked dough with a topping of tomato sauce and cheese, some meat and/or vegetables.

Asia: I tried it one time, it's really delicious.

Latina: Ooh! I would like some too! Right, Grace?

Grace: Eevee~!

Ur: Aww, still cute as always.

Latina is on Ur's lap while Grace cuddles with Erza, Asia, with Carla, Kuroka with Wendy, and they hug them.

Chisato: Any interesting news about Natsu and Happy?

Lucy: About that, look behind you.

Y/n and his group looked to where Lucy pointed out and saw Natsu having fun with a furry creature. They're confused and surprised they've never seen it before. Natsu looks at Y/n and his group, catches it, and shows Y/n to his face.

Y/n: So... uh, what's that supposed to be?

Natsu: His name is Kemokemo! New addition to the family! He was hatched from an egg a few days ago, just like Happy!

Happy: Aye! He's my new brother! Hmm. But I wondered if he eats raw fish?

Natsu: Do any of you know what he is?

Y/n: Nope.

Chisato: How intriguing. However, we've never seen a creature from here before. It could be a newly discovered species.

Rossweisse: Me neither. We've never seen anything like it before. Miss Hasegawa may be right about this fact.

Kuroka: No doubt about that. We're not sure about that little fluff ball.

Asia: Oh! It might be a dog!

Y/n: 'That doesn't look like a dog. I'll just leave it be.'

Latina: Wow! A doggie! Can I pet it, please?

Natsu: Sure, why not? Hey Y/n, I have a great idea, bring Latias and Latios out to play!

Y/n: Not sure if they're - What the hell?

All of a sudden, two orbs came out of Y/n, shining bright as Latias and Latios appeared. Latias looked at Kemokemo, curious as she went up to him, nuzzled him as she's really excited to meet and made a great friend while Kemokemo cheered. Latina and Grace went to Kemokemo, petting him, and he started to run around. Latios and Y/n were baffled by this event.

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