Chapter 33: Here's Kemokemo! A Place to Call Home!

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3rd POV:

After Natsu, Lucy, and Happy had a job that they're struggling with, along with Y/n, Ur and Rossweisse were tagged along. Natsu and Happy have paid the damages for raiding the food supplies in Y/n's house. Hanging out in the guild hall for a while until Rossweisse got drunk for a few cups and started rambling nonsense. Y/n and Cana helped out Rossweisse to the inn until they made a steamy night of love, as the sun rose and made into Y/n's house, Cana received a gift of appreciation from Y/n, which he secretly put in her pocket and she happily accepted.

As days went by, Y/n decided to continue to do some more training and exercises for himself along with his summons. Irene decided to join in, along with Heine and Juliet, to make them stronger in their own way, even Kuroka, Ur, and Rossweisse as well.

While they're relaxing from training and jobs, Y/n had an eventful day for him. Because he's baffled by what he had witnessed, Erza, along with Lucario and Pikachu in their superhero costumes. Lucario attempted for Y/n a matching pair with him, but he refused at first, Lucario kept asking to wear it, and he had no choice but to bear and go with the flow. They fought those 'villains', which revealed Macao and Wakaba due to negative effects of transformation magic. Y/n was amazed and surprised how Erza commands Lucario and Pikachu, even more surprising, Erza was able to snatch and wield Y/n's Crimson Rebellion. Let's just say they embraced their superhero act and went over their heads. Y/n asked what was all that about. They attempted to learn some transformation magic. To their surprise, Latias was very excited to try it out while Latios and Y/n refused at first when Latias wanted them to join, and he had no choice but to accept. Y/n, just let them be.

As they continued their training, one day Lucy went by to Y/n's house and asked them about Natsu and Happy, but they haven't seen them for a while since they got back from their job. Normally, they would break and enter Lucy's apartment, including Y/n's house. Lucy mentioned to them that there's an earthquake a few days ago, which it's bizarre. While relaxing, Y/n secretly made a conversation with the first master, Mavis, she wanted to get to know him, his day, etc. She was quite fascinated by his life's story. She smiled and blushed as she felt a gentle warmth from Y/n. One day, she needs to tell him for herself when the time comes.

As days go by for Y/n and his team, they're on their way to the guild hall to see what their day brings them. The guild went back to their usual routine. However, Natsu and Happy have brought out an unusual creature that no one has ever seen before. Looked like a plump-shaped animal with black-colored fur. It has large, round black eyes encased in a green-colored fur shaped like a heart, while a tuft of oblong-shaped green fur is located underneath. He also has two thin antennas protruding from his head, tiny hands, and a pair of thin, bird-like feet. Natsu has excitedly added a new addition to his family with Happy.

Natsu: Alright, I've decided, your new name is Kemokemo!

Kemokemo cheered as he liked his name.

Natsu: Happy! I would like you to meet your new brother!

Happy: Aye! Guess we have one more mouth to feed! Wait. What does Kemokemo eat anyway?

Farther away to another table, Gray, Wendy, Carla, Lucy, and Erza were watching Natsu and Happy are bonding with Kemokemo.

Gray: Signs are everywhere. That mystery pet spells nothing but trouble.

Wendy: But it looks so cute and cuddly to cause damage.

Carla: That puff can grow to a vicious beast for all we know.

Wendy: You think so? But what about Y/n? He took care of his summons.

Carla: True, but that's quite different. That's with him. It requires responsibility and trust as far as we can tell.

Gray: That flame-brain's pet can do anything. The obvious choice is to drop that furball in the deep forest and leave while there's still time.

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