Chapter 16: An Unexpected Confessions! Another Rescue!

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3rd POV:

(Sunset on Magnolia)

After Y/n have rescued Irene and her companions including healing their injuries along with the disease that Irene have is gone, Y/n and Team Redgrave are heading back to the guild hall to hang out for a while.

Y/n:(relief) Man, what an eventful day we had, huh?

Kuroka: Yeah, no argument here. I'm surprised that you rescued them Darling.

Asia: I hope Irene will be okay. I'm worried about her meeting with Erza of years went by from her perspective.

Rossweisse: Yes, we better be prepared for the upcoming battle against those evil wizards.

Chisato: When Makarov or Erza started to noticed Irene, we have to tell them about their situation.

Ur: At least, you and Asia have healed her. (Smile) I'm sure they'll be very happy to hear that.

Y/n: Right, our lips are sealed for a little while. Let's not keep them waiting.

Team Redgrave:(smile) Right!

As Y/n walking ahead of them, Kuroka, Asia, Rossweisse, Chisato and Ur secretly smile about for an unexpected surprise for him.

As Team Redgrave have arrived at the guild hall, Y/n opened the door to announced his arrival.

Y/n:(smile) Hey guys, we're back!

Lucy: Hey you guys! What kept you?

Kuroka: We have found Y/n in the forest of Magnolia.

Asia: Yes, Y/n have found a new house for us to stay in.

Levy: Wow really! That's amazing!

Rossweisse: We have decided to help him with cleaning up the house.

Chisato: That's why Y/n was there for a couple hours.

Wendy: Wow, I wonder what your house looks like? Maybe we can hang out sometimes.

Ur:(smile,pat her head) Don't worry, we'll let you guys know when you are invited.

Gray: I bet it's an awesome place you guys have.

Y/n:(deadpan) Dude, your clothes man.

Gray's clothes suddenly disappeared again while in boxers.

Gray:(shocked) Wha- when that happen?!

Lucy: Geez, wh where your clothes go?!

Behind the pillar, Juvia is stalking Gray as her face is blushing pink and her heart beating fast.

Juvia:(mind) My beloved Gray, he's so dreamy and handsome! I'm going to prove my love belongs to Gray only!

Back to Team Redgrave...

Y/n: Hey, where's Natsu? I thought he's still with you guys?

Carla:(ponder) I have feeling something is about to-

Suddenly Natsu bursted from the door with his toothy grin sight on Y/n, while Team Redgrave and Team Natsu dodged his entrance...

Natsu:(grin) There you are, Y/n!

Lucy:💢 Hey a little warning please!

Happy: Oh boy, here he come.

Ur:(sweatdrop) Err...what is he-

Natsu: Time for rematch!

Kuroka: Is he serious about this?

Cana:(sigh) Never a dull moment coming him.

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