Part 1 / Always expect the unexpected

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Jack accidentally interrupts Figure and Seek in their intimate moments so he runs away completely embarrassed and hides inside one of the wardrobes to feel better.


Most of the days at the hotel are rather chaotic, everyone has their own duties that they are expected to fulfil. All the entities have their place and a job that fulfils them:

Figure's chore is to guard the library, Seek's is to chase after players, Rush and Ambush tend to plunder the rooms in order to find humans and so the list goes on.

However, for some reason I never felt like I truly belonged anywhere. My whole existence in the hotel was only about just being here.

Sure, I never minded assisting other entities with their jobs, it made me feel needed in some sort of way. The problem was that it didn't give me the feeling of having my own self. No matter where I went, the thought of being just an addition to this place instead of being a part of it was filling my head with an unbearable worthlessness. I tried letting these depressing thoughts just pass by without concentrating on them, but most of the days they were haunting my mind to the point where I would get constant headaches.

And this time it was one of these days. The hotel was empty with almost no players visiting, making me have nothing to do with myself. Usually in moments like this I would just mindlessly wander around or talk with Rush about those very few things that we had in common. I never really got along with other entities that well. We were friends and we appreciated each other's presence , but it wasn't that type of connection that would make me happy about my social life. We were just friends and the only thing that we had in common was the fact that we were all trapped here. Except for Rush, we both loved the same type of literature, being fantasy. However, that was it.

Unfortunately, this time sticking with Rush wasn't an option since he was recovering from the amount of crucifixes used on him in the last couple of days.

So I began looking for something that would help me pass the time. I didn't have my own room nor a place that I could call "mine" so the most logical solution to my problem was once again wandering through the hotel.

But seeing the same rooms over and over again, with the same paintings on every wall with nothing changing made me simply bored which only intensified the amount of the thoughts inside of my head.

I got an idea to go and visit Jeff's shop and hopefully hold a decent conversation with him. I strolled through another 25 rooms and finally arrived at door 50 that I had to pass through in order to get to him. I gently knocked on the door, letting Figure know not to be alarmed by my presence. It turned out that three silent knocks weren't enough to make him aware of my visit which was a little weird since Figure has excellent hearing. I tapped on the door once again, this time making a louder and more noticeable noise. "Maybe he is not in his room," I thought to myself, confidently bursting through the door.

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