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I jumped into a wardrobe.

-Hide, take me as far away from here as possible. PLEASE. -I begged them while opening a bottle of vodka. They looked at me, concerned about my mental stability which I most definitely lacked.

-Sure... -They kept staring at me, not sure if their response would be appropriate.

We teleported to who knows where. The only thing I cared about was for it to be isolated and silent.

-Finally. -I gulped my first sip out of the bottle, thinking about Jeff. I couldn't understand how he could be better than me, I tried so hard to make my small business work. Why wasn't it enough? I pondered, noticing Hide reaching with their tentacle to me.

-If you wanna get drunk in my closet then it should be obvious you are going to share. -They said as I threw a second bottle in their direction.-Thanks. -They began slowly sipping on the alcohol. -There is no way I can suffer through this sober. You really are an unbearable idiot, Jack. -They scolded me once again, just as always.

I wanted to laugh at them, but the only thing on my mind was the fact that I failed.

-I hate him. -I said violently bursting into tears. -Why can't I be better than him? -I began asking the same, predictable questions under the influence of my own emotions... and slowly the alcohol as it began to kick in.

-I told you it was stupid... -Hide repeated themselves once again, hoping for it to get to me this time.

-It's not fair!! -Tears were flowing down my cheeks. Hide sighed.

-It's okay. -They hugged me softly with their tentacles and took a huge sip of vodka. -You are gonna be fine and we will find a better way to run our small business. -They tried to cheer me up.

-Like what? -I asked as I unpacked a pack of red Marlboros, handing one of them to Hide.They accepted it straight away and continued with sharing their revolutionary ideas.

-So basically... -By their voice tone it was clear that the alcohol was kicking in. -We could start our own restaurant, for example.. -They went on as I lit my cigarette inside of the wardrobe, handing them a lighter.

-You are a genius!! - I praised them. -If we show off our culinary abilities to the world I am sure they will love us more, Hide!!! -I beamed, I felt as if I was going to explode any second from the excitement that I felt. -I love youuu!!!! -I hugged Hide, completely emptying the bottle that I held in my hand this whole time.

My head felt spinny and my body felt buzzy from the mix of both alcohol and nicotine. My legs felt weak and I was sure that if I tried to stand up, I would fall instantly so I just layed on Hide, while we were both turning the inside of the wardrobe into a huge cloud of smoke.

-Do you like oatmeals? -Hide asked me while trying to lay more comfortably.

-Yea... -I mumbled, looking into their eyes.

-Great, what about we become an ultimate oatmeal restaurant?? -Hide stared back at me, waiting for my reaction. -Jeff will be so jealous when he finds out. -They murmured, finishing their first cigarette while already reaching for another one.

I coughed from the amount of the smoke inside. It looked as if there was no air anymore, but we really didn't care.

-You lookin' kinda cute right now. -I said in a weary voice, kissing Hide on their cheek.

-Facts. -They replied, puffing on their cig.

-What the fuck is happening here. -We heard a familiar voice as another entity opened the door.

-Oh, hi Eyes, -I greeted them.

-I thought that the wardrobe was on fire! -They screamed, furiously. There are only problems with the both of you! I swear! -They kept yelling at us for smoking and getting drunk in a closet.

-Not with me, though. -Hide protested. -Jack is the one being stupid, I am just a company for him. -They struggled to form a sentence.

-THEN WHY ARE YOU DRUNK TOO? -Eyes began questioning them, but soon after they gave up as they noticed it would change nothing. -You know what, I do not care anymore. You do you, I guess. -They said, slowly getting ready to leave the room. -Just don't hurt yourself please. -They hoped to get a clean and understandable answer from us, but all that I could say in response was:

-Will you help us open an oatmeal restaurant?... -I looked at them to let them know we were serious.

-An oatmeal restaurant? -Eyes had to make sure they heard it correctly. -Okay... I guess I can. I am pretty good at making oatmeals too. I can lend you my recipe. -They announced their will to assist us.

-That sounds good. -I mumbled, admiring their beautiful blue light coming from their eyes.-You... have a lot of eyes. You know that, right? -I asked them an obvious question under the influence of alcohol.

-Okay, you know what? -They sighed, trying to keep their shit together. If I wasn't drunk at the moment it would definitely make me understand why Hide said that they weren't going to suffer through this sober. I really was unbearable sometimes.-I will try my best to help you with it. -They went on. -I don't hate Jeff, but the competition between the both of you makes me question my reality whenever I hear about it from Figure since he hears every single argument that you guys have between each other

-Damn, that's tough. -Hide stuttered . not even focusing on what Eyes was talking about. At this point, I didn't think that any of us knew what was truly going on around us.

Eyes sighed again. Discussing anything between two dumb and drunk entities was nearly impossible.

-Please, just wait for me in the library at 1PM tomorrow, okay? -They begged us to remember.

-Sure, don't worry about it. -We both answered at the same time.

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