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We began chaotically counting all the needed ingredients, to make sure that we go with the following recipe that Eyes handed us. Confusion was taking over me, I felt overwhelmed and began questioning my reality once again. Literally no one commands anyone to make 69 blueberry oatmeals under normal circumstances. 

I tried my best to focus, but the thought of all the audience's eyes on me, made me flurried. I could sense stress coming from Hide too, however they were doing a great job with hiding it and concentrating on their job. 

-There is no way this will take 5 minutes. - Hide whispered, visibly angered and irritated. 

-No shit, sherlock. - I began counting all the blueberries. I wasn't a perfectionist, but all these nerves made me paranoid about adding even a tiny bit too much or too few ingredients.

-How the fuck are we supposed to count 6900 blueberries? - I stared in disbelief at two, heavy bags filled with them. 

-Welp. - Hide sighed. 


-6897… 6898… 6899… 6900 blueberries… - I cried out from exhaustion. - Not too little and not too much… -My voice was shaky. I lost the sense of time, it could have been minutes, it could have been hours. 

I looked around the library to put myself back into reality. The whole room was dead silent. The audience was concentrated on observing our movements, while Eyes was solving crossword puzzles. 

I turned my gaze towards Jeff, he was doing well… too well. He was focused on mixing all the ingredients in a huge white bowl, humming a soft melody to himself. 

-HIDE WE NEED TO HURRY. - I began to violently poke their tentacles, waiting for a response. I reached for the bowl from under the table and began mixing all the ingredients, nervously. My hands were shaking, making me feel as if I could spill the bowl's content on myself any second. 

-That oatmeal looks like shit. Are you sure we are doing this right?-Hide questioned, trying to look at the bowl from a different angle to get a better perspective. 

-N… no?? - I froze, overwhelmed.-I have literally no clue what we are doing. -I said as I discreetly looked at Jeff's work. It looked so much better than ours, I felt as if we already lost the rivalry. 

Our oatmeal looked like a shapeless blob of some suspicious, lumpy substance. 

-Maybe blueberries will save this?-I tried to get Hide's attention as I felt too confused and stressed to make any decisions by myself. 

-I don't think so. - Hide muttered, slowly giving up. -I don't think if we even still have a chance…

They pointed with their tentacle at Jeff, already done with his 69 oatmeals. 

-THIS IS BULLSHIT. - I screamed at the top of my lungs, sending Jeff a death stare. He looked at me angrily, waiting for me to continue. I took a deep breath and threw our bowl in his direction. 

The sloppy substance inside of the bowl (also known as "oatmeal") spilled all over his face, pouring down his legs, staining the floor. 

-ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND? - Jeff immediately stood up for himself, trying to shake off the oatmeal from his body. 

-Oh, wow. - Hide couldn't believe what was happening. 

Jeff stood up from his chair, took an intense breath and shouted. 

-YOU KNOW WHAT? I AM QUITTING. FUCK YOU HIDE, FUCK YOU JACK AND FUCK THIS WHOLE HOTEL.-They said as they walked towards the door, shutting them rigorously in a flash. 

-Well…  - Eyes looked around the library while trying to form a sentence. - I guess that this leaves us with a winner… - Their voice stuttered out of shock.-Congratulations…? -The whole audience kept staring at us in dead silence. 

°   °   °

After the "oatmeal incident" we rarely heard from Jeff anymore. He closed his shop at the hotel and decided to move to another floor. I never talked to him after that, but from what I was told, he absolutely despises me and wants me dead. I wouldn't blame him, after all it was me who ruined his whole career at the hotel. 

I had some regrets, but after a few days of intense pondering and wondering, I came to the conclusion that he sucked anyway. 

"Now I can finally raise some money and go to college too!"

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