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I opened my eyes. We both fell asleep in the wardrobe together. Hide was still slumbering, curled up in a small ball in the very corner of the closet. Bottles of alcohol along with a bunch of half smoked cigarettes were everywhere on the floor, making me remember yesterday's evening.

My head was aching and I felt nauseous.

-Fuck. That hangover is terrible. -I said, opening the wardrobe doors to let some light in.-Hide, wake up. -I poked their tentacles, waiting for a response.

-Leave me alone, I have a hangover too. -They hissed at me, angry that I dared to disturb their sleep.

-Weren't we supposed to meet up with Eyes today? - I yawned, collecting all of the overdue garbage from the closet.

-I don't give a fuck. -They mumbled in their sleep, waiting for me to finally give up. Unfortunately, I wasn't going to. I still remembered the conversation between me, Hide and Eyes that we had yesterday. They said that they could help us open a restaurant.

Out of nowhere, we heard a violent knock on the door.

-Who is this? -I asked, still half aware of the world around me. The person outside didn't answer, instead they just harshly opened the wardrobe.

-What the fuck are you doing here, you were supposed to show up at the library at 1PM!-Eyes was furious.

-And what hour is it? -I asked.

-It's 3 fucking PM. -They were pissed.

-Get out. -Hide was disturbed from their sleep once again. -Get the fuck out. -They kept trying to kick them out, but instead Eyes grabbed their tentacles and forcefully pulled them out. They hit the ground heavily, but without any actual damage. Eyes gazed at us, proud of themselves.

-FUCK YOU. -Hide growled at them, finally fully woken up.

-Jack, I hope you know that you are coming too. -Eyes sent me a threatening stare, letting me know that I hadn't a choice but to agree.


We arrived at the library. We both felt awfully sick to the point where all we wished for was to sleep all day, especially Hide. They were already sleeping through most of their days so in that state they would gladly fall into a coma.

-You know... I talked to Jeff about your plans...-Eyes began a conversation.

-And what did that fucker say. -I yawned, still sleepy. I couldn't bear with this shit right now, but I knew that Eyes wouldn't let us go back. We were both forced to cooperate.

-He is furious that you guys still try to make him quit. I told him about your "oatmeal restaurant" and he decided that he wants to have a real competition with the both of you.-Eyes tried to explain it as simply as they could, looking at how miserably hungover we were.

I tried my best to understand what they expected from me, but all I could hear were some meaningless clubs of syllables. My head felt like a blur and I had trouble thinking straight.

-Mhmm... - I mumbled, pretending to know what Eyes talked about.

-You didn't understand anything I said, did you? -They sighed, sending me another threatening stare.

-Mhmm... Okay... -I responded, not paying attention to anything they said.

-Hide, please tell me that at least you understood what I said...-Eyes still had a little left of their hope for us.

-What competition?...-They queried. From what I have seen, they were actually trying to comprehend.

-Great!!! -Eyes cheered, showing us around the library.

The whole room was rearranged. All of the furniture was moved to the sides in order to make place for what appeared to be a rivalry between us and... Jeff.

At the very centre of the library there were two, large tables filled with a huge amount of ingredients.

Jeff was already proudly and confidently sitting next to the right table, letting us know that the left table was ours. I didn't like the vibe I was getting from Jeff's expression. I felt dizzy and stressed, not only because of the hangover. I felt confused as I didn't even know what the competition was about. I was scared that in the meantime when I had to figure out what we were about to do at the rivalry with Jeff, he already knew everything he needed to know and was prepared to the maximum.

I looked around the library. I noticed all of the other entities that already took their place and sat on the couches next to door 51.

Seek was looking at me angrily, as if he only waited for me to get defeated. I wouldn't blame him, he was still furious about the drugs that I stole from him, but that thought was quite upsetting.

I gazed away, pretending that I didn't see him.

-Please take your seats.- Eyes gazed at us with their flashing luminous sight. They stood there confidently, waiting impatiently to finally explain.

I sat down on the wooden chair, next to Hide. They remained there, visibly nervous and uncomfortable. Not only because of the competition, they hated leaving their wardrobe as they felt exposed. Their skin rarely saw the light of the outside world.

-Okay, great! - Eyes took a deep breath. - In today's competition, each team is challenged to prepare 69 blueberry oatmeals.-Their voice was high and full of energy. Meanwhile I just looked at them blankly, questioning my whole existence. For a moment I had a thought that maybe this is a dream. Their idea for the competition sounded so stupid that I couldn't keep my thoughts to myself.

-That sounds dumb. - My voice sounded monotonous, I felt sick.

-It is. - They replied, throwing at us and Jeff two pieces of thick paper, with a recipe. -Whoever makes it faster and correctly, gets to keep the position of the hotel salesman.



-414 spoonfuls of oatmeal flakes

-34,5 packages of semi-fat cottage cheese

-69 bananas

-69 spoonfuls of erithnol

-6900 blueberries

-690 pistachios

preparation time ~ 5 minutes


-This is bullshit. - Hide commented. I nodded my head in agreement, trying to process what was happening.

-To make it harder for you , you have more ingredients than you need. -They sent us a threatening stare, folding their arms self assuringly. -I will check if you got the recipe right. -They winked at the audience, trying to stay entertaining for them.

They began counting down from 5 to 0, ending their sentence with a blasting hand clap, using their high pitched voice to finally shout. -START.

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