"What am I looking for?" I ask

"Red Roof Inn. I thought it was a restaurant but when I looked it up it's a hotel. That night I was out of town for business so maybe?" She says getting a little worked up.

"Okay maybe but still. What do you want me to do?"

"Follow him? I know your a great PI. I remember that project we had in college. Please I just need to know. If it's true I really need to find out if he is involved in my clients case too because I just have a horrible feeling." She explains

"I can try and help but honestly I'm swamped. I have 2 cases I have to try and settle thing month alone. I probably can't even look at this until the end of next week." I say honestly

"That's fine y/n. I know you won't forget about me" she says

"Besides Mark, how is everything else going?"

"Oh yaknow. Crime never stops. Which means work never stops."

"And how is Bailey and Connor? What are they 6?"

"8!" She say and my mouth drops

"Wow I can't even believe that."

"Yeah once I figure this out and things die down I'll have to have you over for dinner to see them again."

"Please, as long as I can bring my girlfriend. Between me and you, you kinda got me in trouble last time you texted."

"Oh shit I'm so sorry."

"It's okay now, but yeah keep your flirting to a minimum" I laugh and she laughs with me. We finish catching up and she leaves me all the information I'd need and promised to text me with anything new she finds.

After finishing up some work for my other cases I glance at the clock at see it's already 4:00. Atleast time is moving fast. I grab my things and head out of the building and into the garage. When I walk up to my car I notice a paper on the windshield. I look around but don't see anyone so I decide it's safe to open it now. When I open it I see words that are glued on all different fonts of the letters. Like some one cut up a newspaper and glued the letters together to make a word.


Stupid. I'm a lawyer. And a great one who happens to obsess over true crime. Also happen to have many friends in different PDs and labs. I'll just run this for fingerprints and that should tell me a lot. But great one more thing on my list to do before i get Scar

Scarlett's POV

"Cut! That's a wrap today! See you all Monday!" Kevin says and I release a deep breath. I'm tired but I'm so excited to see y/n. I run off to my trailer and quickly shower and get dressed into something casual since that's what y/n told me to wear. I put on jeans and boots, a nice sweater and a leather jacket. I run out of my trailer but I bump directly into a little blonde.
"Shit sorry Lizzie"

"It's okay where are you off to in such a rush?"

"Y/ns picking me up!"

"Ooo la la. Fancy date with your lover. I'll walk you out. Seems like everyone left already" she says walking with me through the camp to the main gate. That's when we see the boys all huddled around something. Or should I say someone. When Lizzie and I walk closer we are met with the boys and y/n. They are all drooling over y/ns bike and god I'm just drooling over y/n. The bootcut jeans really do wonder for her already perfect ass. She has on a big bomber jacket with what looks like a plain white t underneath. Clean but hot. Lizzie nudges me and smirks.

"You're drooling" she says and I quickly wipe st my mouth but send her dagger instead because I'm not actually drooling. She is just laughing at me while I roll my eyes.

My Everything (Scarlett Johansson)Where stories live. Discover now