Mary and Remus.

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Mary missed her train.

She knew she was going to miss it when she left the library, but still tried to run anyway. There was an hour until the next train, so she decided to sit and read her new book to pass the time. It seemed like an interesting book, based in a fantasy world with witches and wizards and magic.

As she moved to find a seat on one of the benches close by, she bumped into a man. He was tall, with pale skin and light brown hair.

"Sorry, love," Mary said, smiling at him. The man turned round, as if to apologise for being in her way, when he froze. His already pale skin seemed to go even whiter, his amber eyes wide. "You alright? You look like you’ve seen a ghost," Mary laughed.

"Feels like I have," The man mumbled to himself, before giving a shake and smiling at Mary. "You're fine, I was in your way." His smile was familiar in a way she can't quite place, as if Mary has seen it before.

"I was just going to sit on the bench and wait for the next train, you can sit next to me if you want," Mary suggests. The stranger looks like he's going to pass out. He smiles in thanks, and they sit down leaving a small space between them. "What's your name?" She asked the man. A flash of looks like pain or sadness flashes in his eyes and he gives a strained smile. "You look like you have a proper unique name. Like Romulus or some shite."

"You're not going to believe me now, but I'm Remus," The man - Remus - laughs. Mary joins him, fighting the urge to lean into his side.

They sit for a moment, and it's weird how comfortable Mary feels with this man. "Tell me about yourself," he says suddenly, and Mary frowns trying to think of something to say.

"Umm, I can't think of anything. One fun fact is that I have amnesia!" She says, and the man has that pained look again. "I have no memories of my teenage years."

"That must be hard," Remus whispers softy.

"Yeah, it is a bit." Mary thinks for a moment, trying to find something to say. "For ages after I woke up in the hospital, I used to have this reoccurring dream." The man looks interested, turning his full body towards her. "It was about these animals, for some reason. A wolf, a dog, a stag and a rat." She laughs, remembering how in the dreams they would run around each other. Sometimes the wolf wasn’t there, a shadowy figure in its place. "I can't fully remember their names. But they were something stupid, like Padfoot, or Wormtail."

"Prongs," the man mumbles under his breath, eyes foggy.

"Yeah, how did you know that?" Remus shakes his head, taking in a shaky breath. "What else? What's your favourite colour? Flower? Animal? I don’t know."

"Why do you want to know so much? Not that it's a bad thing."

"You remind me of an old friend, that's all," Remus says gently. He looks at her with an emotion in his eye she can't quite name.

"Well, my favourite colour is green though every time I think that, I have this voice in my head calling me a traitor." She laughs, and Remus smiles.

"Seriously?" He says, amusement in his eyes as though they're sharing an inside joke.

"Yeah. And my favourite flowers are Lilys." The man flinches as though Mary had just slapped him. "Are you okay?" she asks, placing a hand on his arm. He gives a watery smile, wiping at his eyes.

"I'm fine," He says, clearing his throat. Mary gets the feeling he doesn't want to talk about it, so she continues.

"My favourite animal is a Lion. I like astronomy, with the Canis Major being my favourite constellation. That’s the one with the Dog star. Sirius, I think it's called." She keeps talking, giving random facts about herself, not noticing Remus rest his head on the wall behind them, closing his eyes as a tear slips down his cheek.

Before she knows it, the hour is up and her train has arrived.

"Well, it was lovely meeting you, Romulus," Mary says with a light smile, standing up and holding her bag to her chest. Remus stands up as well, looking almost like he wants to give her a hug.

"It was nice seeing you, Mary," She hears him say as she turns away. There's a *crack* behind her as she walks away.

"Wait I never told you my-" She turns back to see him, but he's not there. The crowd of people blocking her view to see if he's walked the other direction. "name," She finishes.

She catches her train, looking out for Remus. There's something about him, a feeling at the back of her mind like someone screaming at her that she should know him. It's the same feeling she gets when she goes to her coffee shop and sees the pretty barista with the red hair. Or when she reads the book about magic, and the feeling in the back of her mind just wants to say 'that's not true, magic doesn't work like that'.

Mary Macdonald rests her head on the train window, watching the world fly past in a blur. She loves trains. Something about them reminds her of home, though she's only ever used them to get to work. When she gets home, she'll write in her diary all about her day. She writes every detail of every day, not wanting to forget anything ever again.


so I know I said I was going to post every month, but then I low-key forgot that wattpad existed (thank you to whoever it was who commented on this fic! it reminded me to post again haha) if you have ao3 then you'll know I've been posting there, but I just honestly completely forgot about here. I will post the chapters I've forgotten about up until now!

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Jun 15, 2023 ⏰

Idagdag ang kuwentong ito sa iyong Library para ma-notify tungkol sa mga bagong parte!

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