Marauderers & Lily (part 2)

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This is based in the same au as the last chapter xx


Lily tapped her quill against her desk, looking around the classroom. Remus was late. So we're the other boys aswell, but they don't matter.

It was almost 10 minutes into the transfiguration lesson, and even professor McGonnagal was looking concerned, her eyes flickering to the door every few seconds.

Lily was just planning on asking tk go and look for them, when the door burst open.

All four boys stumbled into the room. Black and Pettigrew were clinging to each other and laughing so much they had tears pouring down their faces. Potter was stood with his mouth hanging open and staring at Remus in disbelief.

Remus, however, looked as calm as usual. Pushing past the two boys on the floor and sitting next to Lily.

"boys" McGonnagal snapped. "get to your seats. And be quiet."

"yes ma'am" black mumbled, and stood up, biting the inside of his cheek. Pettigrew started hickuping due to how much he'd been laughing.

"what did you say to them?" Lily asked, leaving over to Remus. The tall boy just bit the inside of his lip and smirked.

"you'll see. It's about Ruby."

"sorry for being late, professor. It won't happen again, and we'll do detention for it" Potter said. As he walked towards his desk, behind Lily, he winked at her.

"looking awfully foxy today, Evans."

"oh deer. He's trying to flirt with me again, Remus." Lily said, turning to the bit next to her.

Ha, I can't believe I came up with that on the spot. Wow I'm awesome aha!

"aw come on Evans. Just go on one date with him. How bad can it be?" Black said, leaning over his desk to talk to her. Lily turned round and glared at him.

"you must be barking mad, Black. I'd never do that."

Ha, two times in a row! I'm great at this... Now, something to do with a Rat for Pettigrew... Or cheese.

Potter and Black looked at each other and smirked. They knew what she was doing.

"guys if you don't stop taking, I'll tell the Professor. I suck transfiguration, and I really need to pay attention." Pettigrew said quietly.

Wow, he literally just layed out the perfect thing to say...

"aw no, Pettigrew. Don't rat us out!" Lily whispered. Next to her, Remus was smirking into his sleeve.

"Miss Evans you're taking while I'm teaching." McGonnagal said suddenly.

"I'm awear of that, ma'am."

Wait was that another one? For Remus. Wow I am on fire today!

"I was just telling Peter and Sirius to stop giggling as it was distracting me from my work. But then they started being catty towards me. So I was abojt to tell you, but you already called me out."

Ohhhh I went too far then..... Yikes.

Remus was biting his lip, and wouldn't look Lily in the eye, and the red-head could hear Black, Potter, and Pettigrew snickering amongst each other.

Professor McGonnagal sighed and looked at Lily over her glasses.

Ah. Lily thought. She caught that cat pun.

"just... Get back to work. And no talking."

Everyone went silent as the teacher explained something, half way through the lesson, Lily noticed a piece of parchment on her desk. Written on it was 'I can't believe you called all of us out with out animagus forms, including Mc G. I understand if you don't want to, but next hogsmead trip, want to come with us? You seem like a really cool person to hang out with. As a friend. - James P'

Lily smiled to herself and tore a clean sheet of parchment to write a reply.

'Sure I'll join you. As long as its just as a friends thing. Also, at Christmas I get to paint your deer nose red. It's a muggle thing. - Lily (Ruby) Evans.'

She folded up the parchment and reached back, placing it on the desk behind her.

Lily smiled.

These 'Marauderers' are completely different than they make out to be.



Thats a short one, but it has a tiny but if Jily at the end so....

Also, the first one hinted at wolfstar when sirius was getting jealous of Lily. Incase that wasn't obvious.

I hope everyone's happy and doing well :))

Again, I haven't re-read this. I wrote it in about 15 minutes and can't be bothered to look over it. Byeee

Harry potter one-shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora