the Marauders.

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Sirius Black was 12 years old when he had his first kiss. It was with a muggle-born Ravenclaw girl - Claudia Higgins - who was in his Transfiguration class. everyone in the class told him that she had a crush on him, and she seemed nice enough. Pretty, with short curly brown hair and large hazel eyes.

It was after their transfiguration class, the two of them had been partnered up - McGonagall had said they would work together, and they were in the hallway outside the classroom discussing the homework they had been given when Claudia had jumped forward, and pressed her lips to Sirius'.

She jumped back straight away, face beat red and stammering about how she'll meet him in the library later, leaving Sirius confused, rubbing at his lips to get rid of the strawberry taste of her lip balm.

He never did meet her in the library, and the next transfiguration lesson she had asked McGonagll to swap partners.

According to Sirius, that hadn't been a 'real' kiss. It was barely a peck. Sirius' "real first kiss" happened a few years later with Marlene McKinnon during a game of spin-the-bottle.

Sirius never told anyone about his kiss with Claudia. and by his fourth year at Hogwarts, he had forgotten her name.

Peter Pettigrew was 16 when he had his first (and last) kiss It was messy, wet, and one of the most uncomfortable experiences of his life. The girl he had kissed - Leah Fowler, a Slytherin - had a sticky lip gloss on that tasted like glue. She licked into his mouth, exploring around with her tongue. When she pulled back, she gave him a cheery grin and a fat kiss on his cheek. Peter mumbled some excuse or another and made his getaway. Across the room he could see James and Sirius giving him a thumbs up.

Apparently Leah was that one girl that everyone wanted. The most attractive in the school.

Peter didn't see it. Sure, she was pretty. But in the same way a flower or butterfly was pretty. He enjoyed looking at her, but he made sure to avoid kissing her - or anyone else - again.

Remus Lupin had is first kiss at 16, only a month after Peter.
It was during the Winter Holidays, and he had gone home to see his mum.

There was a muggle boy who was visiting his grandparents close by, only a year older than Remus. They had met by the old play park in Remus' village just after Christmas. Every day they would meet up and sit on the swing set, telling each other stories.

On New Years Eve, the whole village had a party. Dylan had taken Remus around the side of the building hidden from view and pressed him into the wall. Remus grabbed onto the front of his leather jacket, pulling him closer.

Neither of them spoke, but Dylan had a smirk on his face like he knew exactly what Remus wanted him to do. And he did.

The kiss was strong, both giving as good as they got, biting, sucking, licking. The taste of the cigarette they had shared before lingered on their breaths.

Remus buried his hands into Dylans hair, tugging it harshly, and grinning when Dylan moaned.

After they pulled apart, Dylan told Remus that he was moving back home and they probably wouldn't see each other again.

Remus wasn't as disappointed as he could have been, just shrugging and telling Dylan that at least they had a memorable goodbye.

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