Draco x Astoria

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this is a lot longer than i originally thought it was going to be. it started based off the song "Marys song (oh my my my)" by taylor swift, but then it kind of got away from me and we got this...

trigger warnings are - pregnancy, death, miscarriages. if theres any more that you think i should add, let me know. 



When Draco was nine years old, his father informs him that he is in an arranged marriage to the Greengrass family. Draco is excited, he has met up with Daphne a few times at the meetings his father sometimes takes him to. She's nice enough, and he mentions that to his father.

"Sorry Draco, it appears I've explained it wrong. Daphne is already arranged to the Notts. You will be marrying her younger sister, Astoria. She is a lovely girl, and I hope you will get along with her."

Okay, that's fine. Draco isn't sure he wanted to marry Daphne anyway, she's quite annoying sometimes.

They decide to meet at the weekend. Draco's nervous, but his mother says he shouldn't be. He has nothing to be nervous about.

The Greengrass's are coming to the Malfoy manor, and Draco has been made to wear his best clothes, and his hair has been brushed and gelled. There's a noise at the door, and Kreacher opens it, inviting everyone inside. Draco's father and Mr Greengrass shake hands professionally, while Draco's mother and Mrs Greengrass kiss each-others cheeks and complement what they're wearing.

There's a girl standing behind Mr Greengrass. Draco's never seen her before, as she's not the eldest child of the Greengrass's she's never been to the meetings Draco and Daphne had been to. She's wearing a pretty pale green dress, and her hair's in curls, tied up with a bow to match her dress. Draco wanted to make a good first impression, if she was to be his wife like his father says, he need to make sure she likes him.

"Hi, I'm Draco," He says to her, picking up her hand and kissing her knuckles like his mother showed him. The girl giggles and pulls away her hand, her eyes shining.

"I'm Astoria, but you can call me Tori. That's what Daphne does," She says. She holds a bar of chocolate out to him. "Would you like some chocolate?"

Everyone is sitting in the tea room, speaking about other pureblood families that they know, the Parkinson's, the Zabini's, etc. It's Mr Greengrass that mentions the arranged marriage. He say's something about how when the two of them are older, they might fall in love.

Draco's mother laughs. "Draco, darling. I want to talk to you about the arranged marriage. You have to know that if you don't want this, you don't have to marry her. If you fall in love with someone else, you are allowed to marry them. That goes to you as well, Astoria dear. You can get married at any time, so long as you're both of age, we're not pressuring you to marry each other. We want you to be happy," She says.

"Most people in arranged marriages end up falling in love. Whether at the wedding, when they're kids, or even sometimes years after they've been married," Mrs Greengrass says.

Draco knows that his mother and father hadn't been in love when they got married. But more recently, his mother looks at her husband with a soft look in her eyes, and his father looks at his wife and a smile pulls on his lips without him even realising.

Over the next few years, Draco and Astoria got to know each other and they grew to be friends. Since going to Hogwarts, Draco has become friends with the other Slytherins, and now, during the summer holidays, they're all at the Malfoy manor for a sleepover.

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