Dean X Seamus

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Dean was sat at his desk in his art room thinking of what to draw when a small boom came from the bedroom.
He didn't even flinch. He was used to it by now.

At first, whenever he heard an explosion, he ran into the room, wand at the ready expecting a group of deatheaters or snatchers. But there was only Seamus. And a burnt...whatever he had at that moment in time.

The smaller man walked walked through the door and gave a cheeky smile.
"hey" he said. Dean looked up and smirked.

His whole face was blackened along with his clothes, and his hair was darkened and spiked up. He was playing with the hem of his shirt, a nervous habit he had picked up from Dean.

"hi" Dean replied, walking over and wiping some of the soot off his boyfriends face.

"so.." Seamus began. "I may have accidentally set the bed on fire..."
Dean started laughing.
"again? That's the third time this month!"

Seamus shrugged his shoulders and gave Dean a small smile.
"I know... Things just seem to.. Explode when I'm around."

Dean bent down and gave his boyfriend a peck on the lips and ran a hand through his hair.
"you should probably get a shower. You're covered."

"yeah, I know... Join me?"

"not just now... We'll do something tonight. I promise."

Seamus gave a small smile and walked to the bathroom.

Dean smiled and sat back at his desk. Seamus probably didn't remember this, but tonight was their 4 year anniversary. And hopefully the night they get engaged.

He picked his pencil back up again and smiled to himself as he remembered Seamus' face when it was covered in soot.

He knew exactly what to draw now.


That night, they had pizza for dinner and put on a movie. It wasn't the most romantic, but Dean knew that as long as they were together, it didn't have to be.

The movie was about halfway done when they finished their pizza, but that didn't stop Seamus suddenly straddling Dean.

"oh, hello" Dean mumbled. Seamus pressed their lips together and started to unbotton the darker man's shirt.

Dean grabbed Seamus' hands to stop him and looked him in the eyes.
"Seamus, love, I need to talk to you about something first"

Seamus visibility paled and his hands dropped to his side.
"what's wrong?" he asked, his voice shaking slightly.

"nothing! I just need to ask you something" Dean reasured.

Seamus moved and sat beside the taller man and nodded his head. Dean took a deep breath and cleared his throat.

"you know I love you, right?" Seamus nodded. He looked like he was about to cry. "well, I've been thinking-"

"please don't break up with me" Seamus interrupted. His eyes were screwed shut and his lip was quivering.

"what? Shay, no! I'm not going to break up with you! I love you!" he said. "I was actually going to ask if you would marry me"

Seamus' eyes opened up and his jaw went slack.
"you're joking" he whispered. Dean shook his head. "you're actually being serious?"

Tears started falling out of his eyes as he nodded his head.
"yes! Yes I'll marry you!" he exclaimed. Dean's face broke into a smile and he wiped tears off of his boyfriend - no, fiancé's - face.

He leaned back in for a kiss and seamus grabbed the back of his neck, pulling him in closed.
"you scared me" he murmered against Dean's lips. "I really thought you were going to break up with me"

Dean smiled softly.
"you really think I'd do that to you?"

I actually really like this one, it maybe it's just because it's Deamus, idk.

Harry potter one-shotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon