chapter 19:the finish line

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**screech pov**

I can't go back, they're gonna kill me!

I find a bench to relax on, I sit down and put my hoodie on, since it's raining.

I look at my phone and I get tones of messages from ambush, I'm surprised he's even worried.

I drop my phone on the ground and stomp on it, I make sure it's broken and it sure is.

Finally, I get some peace.

**ambushs pov**

Two weeks pass by, and screech is still gone, i expected them to come back but they hadn't.

I can tell everyone's worried, a-60 hasn't been as excited over things, and hides been in there closet every day.

I pace around my room with my phone on my ear. I've got the police called and they keep saying they hadn't found screech yet, which pisses me off more and more each time.


I throw my phone at the wall and it breaks, great, just what I fucking needed.

I run to my bed and sit down, I need to breathe for a second, this is stressing me out WAY too much.

I take a deep breath and look at my now broken phone on the floor, and I go to pick it up.

Yep, it's completely broken.

I sigh, and leaves my room, I hear banging on the door from the basement.

"What is that?" I ask myself.

I see a key left onto the table near the basement door, I grab it and unlock the basement door.

I open the basement door and see halt , one of his eyes, and one of his hands are missing.

"HOLY SHIT!" I scream, obviously being shocked.

Halt seems in horrible condition, he hugs my leg thanking me for letting him out.

"Dude what happened?!" I ask him.

"Screech! They killed eyes right in front of me and locked me in the basement!" He cries.

"Oh shit! Uh.. Alright cmon." I tell halt to follow me.

Halt follows me, I bandage up his eye and hand and make sure he's ok. "Where's screech..?" Halt stutters in fear.

"They... Ran away. Where trying to get to them but we cant." I inform him.

"Oh." He says.

"Yeah, the police aren't doing shit." My tone turns angry.

"That's.. Just great." Halt mutters sarcastically.

**a-60's pov**

I sit in screech room, hoping, and hoping they come back, even if the most likely cause my siblings deaths.

Even if.

I look out the window and it's raining, I sigh deeply and continue waiting for screech to come back.

I then get an idea, I run back to the entrance to rooms and begins looking for curious light.

I find curious light, they're in the dining room looking at some sort of papers.

"Curious light?..." I mutter to get their attention.

They turn to me. "Yeah?..."

"I.. Need your help." I murmur.

In The Dark (a doors au)  [FANMADE]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ