chapter 14: drowning

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Tw: this chapter includes mentions of drowning and... Death... Obviously.

**screechs pov**

A few hours later I wake up, I get out of bed and a-60's stills asleep. He's snoring but not that loud, it's hard to tell he's even snoring.

I go to the kitchen to start my day, I grab some reeses peices cereal and grab a bowl.

I open the fridge and carry the milk to the kitchen counter.

I grab a spoon and keep it in my mouth until I've finished making my cereal, I pour in the cereal, then the milk, then I insert the spoon into the bowl.


I think for a moment. Maybe I should make a-60 some cereal too? It wouldn't really hurt to.

I grab another bowl and another spoon, I pour the cereal, then the milk into the second bowl and finish it off with putting the spoon in his cereal bowl.

I go back to my room and look at a-60 who is still asleep.

I walk up to him and get quiet, I don't really like waking entities up. It scares me, no idea why but it does. (Real)

"A-60?.." I mutter.

His eyes slowly open, and he looks at me seeming tired.

"Hmm?..." He groans.

"Cmon, I made breakfast." I inform him.

"What did you make?" He questioned.

"Cereal." I answer.

"Alright! I'm coming!" a smile grows on his face and he gets out of the sleeping bag.

He happily runs to the kitchen and I walk beside him, he sits in front of his cereal bowl and begins to happily eat his breakfast.

I sit beside him and also start eating. After a minuet ambush comes into the room to most likely make coffee.

He grabs his mug and places it under the coffee maker, he turns the coffee maker on and it makes the loud noises it always does.

Ambush turns to us and flinches once he sees a-60.

"Who's this?" Ambush asks.

"A-60, he's my friend." I confess, a-60 looks up at ambush and waves happily.

"Mhm..." Ambush mutters and turns away, it seems like he doesn't really like a-60 and I can't see a asshole like ambush seeing anything in a-60.

I angrily sigh and pick up the spoon again, I stuff some cereal into my mouth and a-60 notices I'm in a bad mood.

"You ok?" A-60 inquires.

"Yep." I lie.

"Ok then..." He gives me a worried expression, he turns back to his food and continues to eat.

"Is there any others?" Ambush snarls.

"What do you mean others?" I growl.

"Other freaks like.. That thing." He points at a-60.

"HE ISN'T A FREAK YOU BITCH!" I angrily thunder.

"Oh sure!" He laughs and mocks.

A-60 puts his hand on my shoulder to try and calm me down which does help.

"There is one, right in front of me." I grunt.

"What did you say?" He angrily remarks.

"Nothing." I grumble as I continue eating.

"What I thought." He vouched.

I roll my eyes as I stuff the last bite of cereal in my mouth, I chew then I swallow.

I throw the bowl and spoon into the sink and run to do something in secret.

**a-60's pov**

I continue eating my cereal with a smile on my face, this dude is scaring me but I don't mind.

"Hey... What's your name?" I blurt, being curious.

"Ambush." He answers.

"That's a cool name!" I compliment.

He angrily looks at me and confusion gets to me. What did I do to upset him? I'm just complimenting him!

"Can you shut up for ten seconds?" He grumbles.

"What?... What did I do?" I sadly gulp as his tone becomes angrier.

"Your annoying me." He snarls.

"I'm just asking you about yourself! Cmon... Hmm.... What's your favorite color?" I interject.

"Jesus Christ... shut up will you?!" He threatens.

"Chill chill... Hmm... What's... Your favorite food?" I attempt to brighten the mood.

"Oh my god shut it!" Ambush grabs a fork and walks up to me.

He jabs the fork in my arm to get me to be quiet. I help in my and grip onto the fork jabbed into my arm.

Ambush goes back to his coffee and grabs it, he takes a sip and leaves.

I start crying as a bit of blood escapes from my arm.

**screechs pov**

I'm looking around, for a certain someone. "EL GOBLINO?" I shout out.

El goblino peeks out from his room and stares at me, he tilts his head in confusion.

I look around to make sure no one else is around, I forcefully grab him and drag him to the restroom and he squirms in my arms.

I fill the sink up with water and he gets terrified, he squirms, kicks, and punches but he's stuck in my arms.

Once the sink is completely full I stick his head into the water. I reach over to the open door and shut it, locking it as well.

After a few minutes, he stops struggling, and he goes and passes away.

Another gone, good.

I smile to myself and I grab him limp body. I unlock the door and look outside to see if anyone's present.

Thankfully, no ones there.

I bring his limp body to the basement, I unlock it and open it, it makes a loud creeking sound and I walk downstairs.

Halts surprisingly still alive, look shakes and looks at me with a scared look.

I laugh and drop El goblinos body on the floor.

"Hey.. Uhm... I'm starving... What am I supposed to eat?..." Halt asks.

"Hmm.. I guess you can eat El goblinos body." I answer

He flinches once I answer, he gets scared so he doesn't protest, he just looks away.

I go back upstairs and lock the door, I turn around and see a-60 crying while running to my room.

I get curious and run to my room following him, I peek inside and see him picking at a fork in his arm.

"Woah.. Are you alright?" I get concerned.

"No.. Ambush stabbed meee..." A-60 cries like a child.

I watch him weep and then think of something to do.

"I'll... Be back." I run to the bathroom and grab some bandages.

I run back to my room I kneel down to where a-60's seated, I put the bandages on his arm.

A-60 wipes away his tears and smiles at me. "Thanks..." He thanks me.

"No problem." I smile back.

(Tehehehe a-60's so silly)

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