chapter 1:prolouge

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My names screech. Im a twelve year old kid who just does what a normal kid does... Shouting, running around, pranking everyone, shit like that.

Im the child of rush, hes my dad. I loved him. I don't know where my mom is...she isn't really... Here... I suppose. I also have an older sister and uncle, my uncle being ambush, and my sister being hide. I love them.

But i doubt they love me.

I also have a pet spider, his names timothy, he can talk for... Reasons. I find it questionable why he can talk but.. I don't ask about it.

I live in an abandoned hotel, sometimes there's arguing, sometimes theres not, we usually like playing board games on Friday nights.

And as you know it, its Friday, and yet again, I got ignored. No one bothering to invite me.

I sigh to myself as I watch them laugh while they play uno.

I begin to feel my eyes slowly tear up as thoughts race through my head.

"Why does nobody like me?" I think to myself as my Face lowers into a frown.

"I should probably stop crying. I don't want anyone to walk in and see me like this.." I think as I start to wipe away my previous tears.

I then hear my name in their laughter.

"Thats reminds me.. Today screech kept bugging me because of a dumb video they'd seen. I can't get ten seconds of quietness without screech yabbering about!" Ambush says annoyed.

I look at my dad, he begins to seem angry at ambush.

"You can't just keep saying rude shit about us entitys in the hotel." Rush angrily mutters.

"Oh come on. Quit showing that kid pity, we know you just feel bad for him." Ambush grunted.

"Just cause you don't care about that kid doesn't mean I cant!" Rush barked.

I start heading them argue, which happens a lot.

But it still hurts to see them argue. I wish they would stop. Everyday I hear them shouting.

And most of the time its about me.

Maybe if I wasnt annoying, or maybe if I weren't here.

They would have a good relationship.

I stare at the family photo we took a year ago and I tear up again as I see myself in the back, reaching up to be in the picture.

Im barely visible.

But, thats probably my fault for not saying anything, or at least being louder.

Maybe I should've reached higher, maybe I should have asked someone to move.

Maybe I shouldn't have even been there.

I cry as I now hold the image in my inky, and now wobbling hands, I hear the closet door open. Its my sister.

"Are you ok?.." She asks with a worried tone.

I start panicking and I begun to try to hide my tears.

"You don't need to hide your tears. Its normal to cry." Hide tells me.

I begin to feel tears stream down my Face like small waterfalls.

"Aw... Come here." Hide assured as they reached their arms out for a hug.

I run to their arms, as I let myself weep.

"What happened?" Hide asks in a attempt to comfort me.

I stay silent, not know what to say.

"You don't wanna talk about it? Ok. I understand.." It mumbled comfortingly.

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