chapter ten:a new experience

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*ambushs pov*

I go to the kitchen for a snack, too much is going in. Everyone's going missing and I feel like it's my fault!

I grab a bag of chips and begin eating them, they taste good hut I can't get my mind off of everyone going missing.

I hear a glitch sound behind me. It's glitch. I turn to him.

"I need you to solve this problem." He groans to me.

"What do you mean?" I ask, obviously confused.

"The missing entities you idiot! Guiding light isn't so happy with the players getting away so easily with the less monsters so we need you to search for them, or who's doing this. Got it?" Glitch yells.

"Why do I gotta do it???" I roar.

"Cause your the only one who can! Hide and screech are too dumb too search for that information, me guiding light and curious light are busy with other things and window isn't allowed to enter the hotel." He reasons.

"Fine. Whatever." I agree.

"Wait.. I got jeff to do it! Where is he?" I question.

"... You.. Should check his shop." Glitch gets quiet as he GLITCHes away.

"Oh no... He's not dead.. Is he? Great." I grumble.

I seal the bag of chips and stuff it in the pantry, I then RUSH to jeff's shop hoping he's still alive.

I enter his shop and nothingd there, it seems closed.

I open the door to the back area of his shop and I see a horrible sight. He was in fact dead. His heads separated from his body and bloods everywhere.

"Shit!" I yell.

What if screech or hide gets murdered next!? Sure I hate them but.. There my nephews... SHIT!

I sit in a chair wondering what to do, I keep over thinking about what to do in the back of jeff's shop.

"I should probably take a nap. This is stressing me out..." I get up and begin walking to my room.

I feel a small sense of anxiety while I walk to my room, but I get over it when my rooms door shuts and locks.

I crawl into my bed and close my eyes, finally getting a good rest.

*screechs pov*

I wake up, I check the time and it's 3 am, I didn't sleep for that long...

I get out of bed and go to the kitchen, I search for some chips and find a bag.

I begin eating them, these taste more boring, halts hand had a better flavor. Probably cause I used eyes recipe but whatever.

I finish the bag of chips quickly, I throw the empty bag away and think of something to do.

I run around while I think and even listen to music, I hum the tune as it plays.

My attention goes to a door that's locked... It needs a skeleton key and two lock picks.

I know where to get those! I run back to jeff's shop and I enter the back of his shop.

I grab two lock picks and a skeleton key and I head over to the door. I use the two lock picks and they break, I then slowly insert the skeleton key into the lock.

The lock makes a click as it comes off of the door, I open the door, this area seems as if it hadn't been opened in awhile...

The light shines on my face and I don't like it for.. Obvious reasons. I look into the room.

The walls are grey, the floors is made of a red carpet, and their are decorations such as couches, plants, and lamps, similar to my original home.

I look at the next door infornt of me, it says "a-001" and I get confused. This is just like the hotel...Why was this place so locked up and why is it so similar to the hotel?

I enter the next room and it repeats, just.. Like.. The.. Hotel.

After a bunch of doors, around door a-060, I hear a loud sound behind me, I turn around and see a red light.

An entity runs up to me, he looks very confusing... He's red, with a weird smile and weird looking eyes, it's hard to describe it.

"Wait.. Are you one of the entities from doors? How did you get here?" It asks.

"Uhm.. I just found the door and unlocked it.. I suppose." I answer.

"What's your name? Mines a-60!" It smiles at me.

I smile back "my names screech... Uh... Where am i?" I inquire.

"In rooms of course! There's two other entities here.. And curious light but.. Yeah!" He answered.

"Mhm." I mutter.

A-60 seems.. Annoying. Maybe I could get him out if the way later... There's nothing in this room I can use to attack him... Great.

"You wanna meet everyone else?" It asks.

"Sure." I respond trying not to be mean.

It lead me through some more doors until we get to "a-90." What the hell are these names?

A-60 drags me into the room and an entity pops up in front of me.

"D- what the- who's this?" The mysterious entity asks a-60.

Why does this one look like ambush but more deformed? I'm so confused.

"Well... This is screech! There from doors!" He grins.

"Oh. Ok then. Im a-90.. I guess." He greets.

"I'm screech." I introduce myself.

"I'm sorry, he's a little... Enthusiastic." A-90 whispers to me.

"Can tell." I whisper back.

"Now it's time for you to meet a-120!" A-60 smiles and begins dragging me through more rooms, a-90 waves to me as he drags me away.

we get to the room "a-120" and surely enough we meet another entity, it begins running towards us.

It stops in its tracks when it sees a-60. "Whoa- what are you doing! I almost killed you dumbass!" he yells.

"Sorry... Well.. An entity from doors is here to visit!" A-60 grins.

I wave slightly, not in the mood to speak. A-120 waves back and smiles.

"Wait, what if curious light sees this?" A-120 asks.

"I'm sure he won't be mad... It doesn't have a temper like guiding light anyways soooo..." A-60 answers.

"Oh.. Isn't the kid gonna get caught by guiding light?" A-120 inquiries.

"Possibly." A-60 answers.

"Great..." A-120 grumbles as it thinks.

"We gotta figure out how to get this kid back to the... Doors thing... Without him getting caught." He suggests.

"No shit." A-60 groans.

"Let him stay just for a bit!" A-60 begged.

"Fine. But if he gets caught I'm blaming you." A-120 leaves.

Great. Now I'm alone with a over enthusiastic and mysterious entity. I'm gonna have fun.

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