chapter 11:dinner

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Tw:this chapter includes mentions of poisoning.

**screechs pov**

I sigh and a-60 turns to me with a big grin. "You wanna see my room?" He inquires

"Sure.. I guess." I agree, and he starts dragging me to his room.

I'm getting really tired, I hardly had any sleep and the fact the rooms are slowly getting darker and darker is making it worse.

A-60 notices I'm getting tired, he turns to me. "Are you tired? You can sleep in my room if you need too!" He offers.

I hesitate. "Sure I guess..."

He finally finishes dragging me to his room, he opens the door and we enter.

His room looks normal with a few posters here and there, a bed with red covers, a small couch, and some plants around the area.

"This is my room!" A-60 introduced.

"Nice." I compliment.

"You should probably go to sleep..." He suggests.

I nod. "Where do I sleep?..." I questioned.

"In my bed" he tells.

"Alright.. Thanks." I thank him.

I crawl into the bed and start finally getting the sleep I needed.

**a-60's pov**

I see the kid fall asleep and turn off the light, slowly shutting the door on my way out.


What *if* curious light or guiding light found out? That... Wouldn't really end well... I'll try to convince them... Hopefully I do...

I should probably go eat something... Even if dinners coming up, I'm hungry. (Real tbh)

I go to the kitchen and look for a snack, I find some m&ms and I snatch them.

I open the bag and stuff some m&ms in my mouth. A-90 comes into the room and notices me eating.

"Are those my m&ms?" He asks.

"Are they?" I ask back.

"You shouldn't be eating, we're gonna have dinner soon." a-90 informs me.

"Ehh.. I'll deal with it." I speak.

"And get your hands off my m&ms." He grabs a cup of water and skiddadles.

I wave to him as he leaves and I continue eating his m&ms, I don't care if he gets mad later.

I finish the bag of m&ms and I feel full, I throw the bag away and leave the kitchen.

I bump into someone, it's curious light.

"Oh! Hi curious light!" I greet.

"Hey a-60.. Uhm.." He trails off.

"What's up?" I ask.

"One of the entitys from doors is missing and guiding lights pissed. He said there here cause the door was open and I was looking for them." He informs.

"Shit." I think to myself.

"Have you seen them?" It asks.

"Uhhh..." I stutter.

"A-60." He threatens.

"Fine he's in my room.. Look I'm sorry I just-" he cuts me off.

"Look a-60 you can't keep him, I know your excited but I don't want guiding light to get angrier." Curious light warns.

"Please! Just for one day!" I plead.

"Ugh.. Fine. One day." He agrees.

"Thank you!!!" I happily hug him. (He's so silly)

A small smile forms on his face as he accepts the hug, I let go shortly after.

"Soo... Whats for dinner?" I ask.

He thinks for a moment. "Probably meat loaf."

"Alright! Thank you!" I thank him the run off to go mess with the players.

**screechs pov**

I wake up after an hour, that's *definetly* the right amount of sleep I need.

I tiredly sit up in bed and remember im in a different area, I run my eyes and stand up.

I go to the mirror and look at myself, I see eye bags had formed under my eyes and my hairs a mess. Great.

Welp... I better get murdering.. Rush suggested I kill these mysterious entities and fast.

I search around a-60's room hoping to find something useful that could kill them.

I go to a drawer and open it and I find something useful, a bottle of poison! Great! Why would a-60 have posion? No idea.

I stuff it in the pocket of my hoodie and walk to the door, I open it and a-60 is behind the door.

"Hi screech!" He smiles.

"ooh! Hi a-60! Uhm... What do you need?..." I ask.

"Just trying to find something to do... Welp.. Uh.. Problem by the way!.." He tells.

"Great." I sarcastically mutter.

"Guiding light knows your here. But... You can stay for one more day!" He excitedly jumps.

"Oh.. Nice!" I smile back.

That'll be long enough to kill them. Hopefully.

"Curious lights making dinner, he's making meat loaf!" A-60 informs me.

"That sounds good. I could use some meatloaf." I say.

Dinner hasn't been cooked in awhile due to obvious reasons... It was annoying that I had to make my own dinner.

A-60 proceeds to talk to me for a bit and it feels good to talk to someone after a bit, even if i... Plan on killing him.

A bit later curious light comes into the room and announces dinners finished, he leaves the room to tell a-90 and a-120.

I get and and I go to leave, a-60 tells me he needs to do something and he goes somewhere else.

I look for the dining room and I find it easily, there's five plates of meatloaf.

I sit down, and then sprinkle the poison in everyones food. {Except mine. Obviously.}

I dig in and the meat loaf tastes pretty good, but not as good as eye's did. It makes me sorta.. Miss eyes. But whatever.

A-90 enters and sits down next to me.

Soon enough, everyone had entered the dining room and had begun eating. Except a-60.

"Why aren't you eating?" Curious light questioned a-60.

"I'm.. Not hungry... I ate some m&?m's earlier and now i've lost my appetite." He confesses.

"You ate my m&m's again?!" A-90 furiously yells. (I would too man)

"A-90. Calm down and eat your dinner." Curious light orders.

"Anyways, you can go to your room a-60, you don't need to eat dinner." Curious light insists.

Great. I'll have to deal with a-60 later... It's fine, his death will be better. If I can think of something at least.

I finish my food and throw my plate into the sink, I run over to a-60's room to talk to him for the time being.

I mean, I gotta do something as I wait for the posion to kill them.

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