chapter 2: a bloody beginning

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TW: mentions of bl00d d3ath,and stupidity

**screechs pov**
Its another night, a few people have woken up.

I hear a loud crash and awaken from my sleep, my eyes shoot open.

"What was that?" I ask myself.

I crawl out of bed, and slowly open the door.

I see figure sitting on the floor, confused, with a door stuck around his neck.

He ran into a door again.

I sigh angrily, and I got to ambushs room to tell him.

I open the door and ambush appears to be asleep.

"What if I annoy him?" I think to myself.

"Ambush?" I mutter very quietly.

God. I hate waking entitys up.

I speak slightly louder. "Ambush?"

I hear him groan tiredly, and angrily.

"What the hell could you want?" He asks in a tired and angry voice.

"Uhm... Figure kinda.. Ran into a door again." I whisper.

"ARE YOU- ugh.. Goddamnit!" He angrily growls.

Ambush jumps out of bed, and goes to the hallway, were figure still sits with a door around his neck.

I hear ambush angrily sigh as he leaves the room to go help figure. Hes always very cranky when someone wakes him up. Especially when I wake him up, and I don't really blame him.

I see ambush angrily fiddle around with the door, but it doesn't budge. He leaves the room to go get a chainsaw.

I then hear halts room open, and he walks out. He seems pretty tired. His face goes from tired to very panciked by seeing figure.

I see him rush over to figure to try and see how to get the door off. I mean, I get he has to care for everyone since he's the nurse but he doesn't have to be so panicked.

Ambush comes back with the chainsaw which causes halt to get even more worried. Halt begins sweating and asking ambush what he's doing.

"Im just getting the door off." He remarks as he starts the chainsaw.

"NO!" halt screams anxiously, trying to stop him.

I walks out of ambushs room and walk away from the madness. I can't deal with this bullshit right now, I just woke up.

I walk to the kitchen trying to ignore everyone's dumb panic.

I grab a energy drink and take a small sip, I put the energy drink back into the fridge and I begin to prepare cereal.

I pour the reeses peices cereal into the bowl, and pour the milk in. Yeah, Im not a psycho who pours the milk first. I know I kill people but I'm not that insane.

I put the cereal and milk up, and as I sit down at the kitchen table to eat my dad walks in.

"Morning kid." He mummbled under his breath, it was obvious he was trying to sound happy but it wasn't really working.

"You know why halt and ambush are yelling at eachother?" He'd question.

"Great. He'd heard the arguing." I think to myself.

"Figure got a door stuck on his neck again, and they're fighting over how to remove it." I'd explain to him.

He made a "oh" sound, now understanding why all the arguing is happening.

In The Dark (a doors au)  [FANMADE]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن