"Oh hey, I met some friends yesterday and they want to hang out with me today, can I go?" I pull away and ask her.

"Of course, but be careful." She thinks for a second "Stay here." She goes to her room and I hear her rummaging through boxes, She comes back a minute later. "Here, your father left you this, it was his when he was teenager. He wanted me to give it to you sooner but you never had a use for it, but you do now. So use it carefully okay?" I look down and see 5 inch silver blade with a navy blue marbled handle.

"Oh wow! This was really dad's?" I take the switchblade and examine it, it was so pretty, sure it had a little bit of wear and tear on it, but I didn't care. I was so happy she gave it to me.

"It's all yours now." She gave me a sad smile, I knew it hurt whenever mom was reminded of dad. "I love you Stacy."

"I love you too mom."

"I'm going to wake up your brothers, we are going out for breakfast since we don't have any food here yet." She walks off.

I sift through my clothes and put on a oversized white button up that has dusty pink stripes, I button it most of the way although I leave a couple unbuttoned on the top and bottom, and I put on some jean shorts. I dig around in one of the boxes till I find my sunglasses, I put them on top of my head. I do a couple of braids in my hair on each side of my hair and I put a couple of matching beads in them.

"You ready to go?" My mom peeks her in the doorway "Oh you look great!" She looks at my outfit.

"Are the boys ready?" I ask putting my shoes on

"Yep, although they didn't do much but put on a shirt and walk to the front." Yeah that sounds about right. I walk downstairs to see Theo wearing a similar outfit to me, unbuttoned button up, and shorts. August is wearing some jeans and a old faded band shirt.

"You both look like shit." I say to them.

"You looked like you just stepped off the set of that new beach movie." Theo says groggily.

"So do you idiot." August says, I open my mouth to reply but our mom cuts in.

"Alright! Let's go, we are walking because it isn't too far from here and we can see the town. Plus I'm sick and tired of driving." She makes her way to the front door.

"Do we have to walk?" August whines. I hit the back of his head "Fine." He grumbles. I put my arm around him as we walk, he's still waking up so he's swaying a lot.

"Dude, walk in a straight line would you? It's not that hard. You look drunk." I laugh a little and lightly push him.

"You're a jerk you know that right?" He shoves me to the side and I almost fall over. So I push him back, and then he pushes me and we keep going like that till our mom turns around, then we act like we love each other.

      After about a 10 minute walk we make it to the restaurant, it's this little place called 'Rosies diner' we walk in and get a booth near the front. "Why is everyone dressed like they're going to church?" I say quietly while I look around.

"I don't know but I noticed that too, You stick out like a sore thumb." My mom says, I guess people are more conservative out here.

We make small talk while we look at the menu when the waitress comes over we order and continue talking, I'm getting 'Apple Pie Pancakes' it sounds delicious. My brothers ordered the 'ultimate breakfast' it's basically just most of the menu discounted, my mom was just getting an omelet.

      When the food came out we barely had any room left on the table, I tried the first bite of my pancakes and then devoured them. My brothers were shoving food in their faces which was causing people to look at us from other tables.

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