The Last Stand (Part 1)

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As we fly towards Tempest and The Forge I take a moment to rest and speak with Troy and Lucy about the future of our world.

"Listen both of you should I want to say it's been a honor to be your friend but I may die to save our world but even if I do I will do it with pride because a future where people can laugh is one worth fighting for" I tell them as I could tell they didn't like my words mostly the I may die words but they accept it and sat next to me. "We know but please live and see the world your working so hard to save" Lucy tells me as I feel her take hold of my hand while giving me a tired smile. "Your our friend and no matter what happens we will tell everyone about you and how saved our world" Troy said as the three of us sat together and laugh at how their lives turned out.

"Arcee are you ok?" Bulkhead asked her as Arcee looked away from the group to speak with her team. "I'm ok it's just worried about all this and if this situation might be my fault" Arcee tells them as Rachet focused on flying.

"Arcee what has happened is not your fault we were all there when this all started but right now we need to focus on the mission at hand" Rachet tells her as they soon arrive at The Forge. "Ok everyone once we touch down on The Forge we will be in a battle zone so think fast and fight smart with that being said Autobots transform and rollout" I say as we land and begin walking out of RazorHide who takes off with Troy and Lucy as our air support as I transform and blast the doors open alerting Tempest but he already knew we were coming as I have Bumblebee, Bulkhead and Rachet head for the brig while me and Arcee head for the core.

At The Brig

Rachet, Bumblebee and Bulkhead turn a corner into the brig where they see Optimus, Kronus and Megatron hanging on a wall. "Rachet is that you old friend?" Optimus asked as Rachet walks over and tries to free them as much as he hates the thought of helping Megatron but he also knew that not even Megatron deserves this. "Rachet are FlashWing and AirStrike with the other?" Kronus asked as the mood in the room change and Optimus knew what is means but remains silent as Bulkhead tells him.

"FlashWing and AirStrike are offline it happened during a battle with Silas and Airachnid I'm sorry" Bulkhead said as Kronus break before they are all free but before they could leave SwiftShift stands at the door. "I'm sorry but I will be taking your lives today" SwiftShift says as Kronus stands up looking at him and he tells the others to go as he will deal with SwiftShift who lets them go as he looked at Kronus.

"You didn't stop them" Kronus said as the wait to see which one of them will make the first move. "I may be your enemy but I am also one of honor and you challenged me so I will honor your wish" SwiftShift said as he pulls out his swords but tossed one of them to Kronus who caught it which confused Kronus. "You have no weapon but I will not fight an unarmed opponent but now you have a weapon so let us fight with honor" SwiftShift says as Kronus takes his stance and the battle quickly begins.

Kronus swings the sword but SwiftShift blocked it before following the blade toward Kronus's neck but Kronus leans back at the last second kicks SwiftShift but he managed to hit Konus with a kick to the stomach showing they were equal in skill. "You fight well I can see where BlackStar got his training you would have been proud" SwiftShift says as Kronus rush at him but when he goes to for a downward slash SwiftShift prepares to block but it vanished followed by a large wound which surprised SwiftShift as Kronus points the blade towards the ground.

"I normally hold back as I never want to hurt my opponents but I have just lost the two people most important to me so I'm sorry but right now I am done holding back" Kronus said as SwiftShift wipes his wound and looks at the energon on his finger and smiles as he prepares to fight again. "I'm glad your not holding back it was the same with BlackStar and he told me if I was to ever to face you in battle to tell you he was proud to fight in your name" SwiftShift says as they rushed each other once again only this time Kronus was getting the edge as he connects his blade which sliced through SwiftShift's left arm which falls to the floor but SwiftShift managed to also land a hit as he slashed Kronus's left eye. As they step back a little breathing heavy Kronus could no longer see out of his left eye as SwiftShift smiles and drops his weapon as Kronus does the same as they get ready for a quick draw as they knew this was the end for one of them.

Kronus tossed a piece of metal in the air and they both wait for it to land as the tension in the air was high before it clangs on the ground with both shooting at the same time but the result was soon revealed as SwiftShift falls to the floor with a large hole in his spark chamber but Kronus falls back as he held his side which had energon leaking down it as SwiftShift's spark was extingushed. "This hurts like hell but I need to go and back up the others" Kronus said as he forced himself up and shuffles out but uses the wall as support as small amounts of energon rub off on it but he had one focus to fix the damage which his brother has caused.


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