Meeting Of Two Worlds

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Hi my name is Y/n and I'm your normal guy well except for one part of my life but right now I'm in the middle of a war between alien robots from outer space how did I get here well to understand we'll need to go back to the very beginning.

In the past

I was walking down to the street to a car dealer to get myself a bike with the money I saved up from working part-time at the garage down the road from my house. "Excuse me I'm looking to buy a bike" I say out loud as the own walks out to greet me and begins showing me around. "So tell me son what kind of bike you looking for?" he asked as I continue looking around at the bikes and their prices.

"I was hoping to buy a bike for around £2,000 to £2,500 if you have one" I tell the owner as he thinks before showing me the only two bikes in that price range one had some rust and damage while the other seem to be in good condition. "Take your pick of these one" he said as I look them over and while the clearly damaged one was in poor condition it was fixable as I pay him for the bike and start walking it back to my home after which I put it in the garage to begin working on it.

"Lets see looks like a simple fix of the engine I should have the parts here somewhere" I tell myself as I begin looking for the part but as I did I thought I heard something outside which I go to check out while holding a wrench in hand. I wasn't too dark but with all the forest of trees behind my house it was enough to keep a person out of sight as I soon hear a branch snap but as I turn around ready to attack the person trying to attack me I stop when I see it's my best friend Lucy.

Lucy's Look

"Wow dude take it easy" Lucy says as I sigh before walking back into my garage to finish fixing up my new bike

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"Wow dude take it easy" Lucy says as I sigh before walking back into my garage to finish fixing up my new bike. "Nice bike" Lucy said as I focused on the repairs as I see her help herself to my garage fridge where I keep some beer for when I'm working. "Lucy what trouble you in this time?" I asked her as I fit the parts before looking at her sitting on my work bench.

"It seems Troy has come home and is looking to in his own words settle the score for what happened years" Lucy told me as I remember that day me, Lucy and Troy were best of friends before I found out Troy was stealing money from his boss which after I brought it to light he was fired and sent to jail for two years. "I don't really care what he wants to do he made his choice as I did mine" I tell her as I finished fitting the parts and wipe the oil from my hands as I rev the engine and she purrs like a kitten before a voice caught my ear.

"Sounds good dude" the voice said as I look back and see it was Troy and he soon walked in and looks at my bike. "Troy if your here to settle the score just get it over with and leave because I'm in no mood for you shit" I tell him as he stops and looks at me. "Ok I'm sorry for my attitude back in the day I was young and stupid" Troy said as I continue looking at him unsure of what to think as I decide to take a drive to clear my head I told Troy he could stay until I get back as I wanted to cool off.

Troy's Look

I drive off down the street on my fixed bike and it felt amazing to have the wind blowing through my hair but as I was riding by the old river I saw something glowing in the water so I pull over and walk over to check it out as I pick it up I see ...

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I drive off down the street on my fixed bike and it felt amazing to have the wind blowing through my hair but as I was riding by the old river I saw something glowing in the water so I pull over and walk over to check it out as I pick it up I see it's a bright blue glowing cube and it seems strange. "What is this thing?" I asked myself as I soon see what looked like a police car pull up but no one was getting out as this whole situation seems a little strange as I slowly back up before making a dash for my bike when the police car starts chasing me.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked myself as I ran at full speed away from this crazy driver but they speed up knocking me to the ground as I drop the strange cube before it turns around and stops right in front of me but what happened next scared me as I watched the car turn into this huge ass robot. "Energon located exterimnating witness" the robot says as it point a cannon at me as I am too scared to move before something hit the robot and when I look I saw another giant robot but this one was female as it blasted the other one. I make a quick duck into a nearby alley where I watched the giant robots fight over that weird cube which they drop as I sneak out and got it without them noticing before going back to my hiding place.

"Autobot scum you will never defeat the Decepticons" the robot says before tranforming back into a car and drives away as I see the giant female robot look at me as she leans down and speaks. "You don't need to be scared I'm not going to hurt you" she says as I come out and hand her the strange cube just to be safe and she smiled at me before transforming and I see her turn into my bike. "Well get on" she tells me as I got on and she moved on her own of course I held on just to be safe as she pulls up in a isolated area where no one could see us as she transforms again.

"By the Allspark it feels good to stretch my legs after being in vehicle mode for so long oh and as for you thanks for the repairs" she says as I back up a little unsure if she was even friendly hell I don't even know what she is. "What are you?" I asked as she looked at me with a serious look on her face.

"My name is Arcee and I'm an Autobot from the planet cyberton" Arcee says as I gulp because she said planet meaning she is an alien from outer space and I was both amazed and freaked out. "So why have you come to earth?" I asked as Arcee told me about the war between the Autobots and the Decepticons which forced both sides off their home planet in search of something called the Allspark. "Well looks like we are going to have to find this Allspark together if you want" I tell Arcee as she told me it would be dangerous but I also wanted to find out more about her and her race.

Arcee's Look

Arcee's Look

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