Ch 24: Heist Hopper

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Your P.O.V.

After what had happened yesterday, things were off to a good start. With the death of the diamond trafficker, the Dollhouse lost a big supporter. And the diamonds I stole are being stored by the Blue Tropics. With a bit of paint, it just looks like a plain delivery truck now. So there's no need to worry about the cops seeing it and getting suspicious. And I was hoping to gain some more info on the diamonds that the Dollhouse are stealing. After all, if they can't get any diamonds or jewelry to sell, they'll run out in no time.

But that begs the question, what are they planning next? The truck I stole has a half million dollars in diamonds at least. So the Dollhouse was definitely going to be looking for a way to get that money back. And the death of their trafficker was going to make it hard to smuggle them out too. But it'll probably take them a while to find someone to smuggle the diamonds out of the city. So for now, they're probably going to try and get as much diamonds and jewelry as possible. So if I were to figure out what stores they'll hit, I can stop them from getting what they need.

At the moment, I was in the Upper East Side looking for a Dollhouse member. There's a chance some will be trying to lay low for a bit. They likely know that I'm after them now, so they're possibly trying to play it safe. After all, the call I had with Breanna Nelson was more than enough to concern her. She knew if the Vipers took over her operations, she'd be vulnerable. So I would be to surprised if she had increased her security at her rackets. Speaking of which, I still had to find out where Josephine Beaumont had her auctions. Hitting any auction she had would be bad for her business.

After walking around for a bit, I saw a Dollhouse member head down an alley. So I followed her and saw her enter some side door. I figured that it had to of lead to some sort of safe house that the Dollhouse had. So I quietly made my way to the door to try and get in. And as luck would have it, the door was still unlocked. Honestly, is forgetting to lock doors a professional degree for street thugs? Whatever the case, I slipped in and saw several Dollhouse members by a table.

I stayed in a dark corner to try and avoid getting spotted. And the Dollhouse members were all talking about the lose of the truck. Apparently, Josephine Beaumont was not happy about it either. And now they were all planning to rob several nearby jewelry stores to try and get some supply back. There was no way in hell that I was going to let that happen. So once they all left the room, I went up to find a map on the table. It was the Upper East Side, and there were several marks all on the map. No doubt these were the stores they were going to rob.

So I quickly took a picture of it and went to try and stop them. Once I was outside, the Dollhouse were driving off in several pink cars. No doubt each one going to get some help in robbing the jewelry stores. That's when I saw that another Dollhouse car was parked on the corner. Acting quickly, I went to the car and killed the two Dollhouse members guarding it. Once I was in, I found the keys were still in the ignition. So starting the car, I sped off to stop the Dollhouses jewelry heists. Luckily, one of the stores were nearby, so I should just be able to catch one of them.

Once I got to the first shop, I saw a few Dollhouse members inside. So I waited until they were outside before I pulled out my pistol and shot them. Once they were all dead, I quickly sped to try and stop the other robberies. I knew if they got away with the jewelry, they'd sell it for who knows how much. Plus, they'll likely try to rob any they don't get today later on. Plus not to mention it will be a lot harder to find them once they got away too. So I knew I had to track them down and take them out quickly.

The second, third, and fourth ones, I was able to stop. I had just managed to get to the stores on time before the Dollhouse members escaped. But as soon as I got to the fifth, the Dollhouse who robbed the store were making their escape. So I knew that I was going to need to chase after them and get the jewelry myself. So I began chasing after the Dollhouse as they tried to avoid me however they could. Shooting at me, driving like crazy, and even narrowly avoiding hitting people.

Luckily, I was able to shoot out one of the tires on the car. Once they crashed into a parked car, I quickly got out, took the jewelry, and killed the Dollhouse. Then I quickly got back into the other car and sped off. There's no doubt that the Dollhouse are in the process of robbing the last two stores. Hopefully, I still have time to track them down and stop them. Fortunately, it turns out one is a block away from where I am now. So I should have a chance to take out the Dollhouse quickly. And luck was on my side as I found the Dollhouse were just exiting the store.

So I ran right into one and I quickly shot the other two. Once they were all dead, I grabbed the jewelry again and quickly left. Now there was only one store left the Dollhouse was going to try and rob. And it just so happened to be the biggest jewelry store in the entire district. So they were bound to have a lot of loot with them from this one. And I figured that the Vipers could sell the jewelry for extra cash. Of course, I'm not planning to move into trafficking any diamonds. Once I find out where Beaumont is set up, I'm sure I'll find another use for her business.

Once I got to the final store, I saw there was three Dollhouse cars outside. So I knew that there was definitely going to be a fight on my hands. Not wanting to wait, I was about to go rush in guns blazing. But the Dollhouse members had then burst out the front door with their loot. Acting quickly, I started to shoot them before they could get into their cars. Of course, a few Dollhouse got into a car with the loot while the rest shot at me. And the ones with the loot immediately sped off as the rest stayed to kill me. So I had to get out of the car to use it as cover to avoid being shot.

But I wasn't planning on going down that easily. So I started shooting like a madman at the Dollhouse to try and kill them. And one of them tried to throw a grenade at me to blow me up. But by some dumb luck, I was able to shoot it, which caused it to explode before it was thrown. This not only killed all the Dollhouse, but destroyed their cars too. Once they were dead, I got back in the car and started searching for the last few Dollhouse. I knew if I got the loot, it would be worth quite a bit of cash. Probably at last about a hundred grand in jewelry, if not more. At least, if you know the right people to sell the goods too that is.

So I started driving in the direction that the remaining Dollhouse went. And it wasn't to hard to find out where they went either. Since there were several cars that had some damage to them. Likely from being rammed off the road or being crashed into. After a few minutes of searching, I was able to catch up to the fleeing Dollhouse. And it didn't take long for them to realize that it was me. Considering the fact that I started shooting at them once I got close enough. This made them to drive faster just so they could try to get away. But let's just say that it didn't really end up working out for them. Because they had ended up crashing right into the side of a buildings wall.

And, by complete chance, it was the store they just robbed. So I quickly got to the car to see they were all out cold. Or maybe they were dead, I couldn't completely tell for sure. But just for safe measures, I put a couple of bullets into them to be sure. Then I grabbed all the loot that they had in the back and put it in the other car. Once I had all the loot, I quickly sped off to avoid the cops and get to the Blue Tropics. I knew I'd have to lay low for a couple of days until the heat dies down. But I knew that the failed heists were going to cause trouble for Beaumont and Breanna Nelson.

Once at the Blue Tropics, I parked the car around back. Though I did almost get shot by a few Vipers as soon as I got there. Luckily, they didn't and helped unload all the loot I stole from the Dollhouse. After grabbing the loot, I had a Viper take the Dollhouse car to a garage we own. I asked him to chop up the car and sell the parts the garage didn't need. Once inside, I was surprised to see how much jewelry there was. Forgot a hundred grand, this had to be nearly half a million to the right buyers. Makes sense why the Dollhouse sell diamonds and jewelry.

Though this was definitely a good day in many ways. The Dollhouse lost half a million in stolen jewelry and I killed a bunch of their members. Plus now we had more than enough money to fix up the Blue Tropics. Well, we will once all this jewelry is sold, but the point still stands as it is. All in all, today was definitely a good day for us and a bad day for the Dollhouse. A couple more hits like this, and I'll have Josephine Beaumont in my sights. And once I do, let's just say she's going to have a very quick career change.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2023 ⏰

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