Ch 16: Homeland Security

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Your P.O.V.

It's been a couple days since I took the counterfeiting racket. And now we were bringing in some extra money. The Vipers are using TerraNova to counterfeit cash. And we're also using it to expand our protection rackets too. Now we even have some extra cops on the payroll. Both with some real cash and counterfeit ones too. Plus I knew that Lucas King was probably fucking pissed at me right now.

I mean, I couldn't blame him, since I insulted him and started a war with his crew. But I didn't really give a fuck if King was pissed off or not. He brought this on himself with his deal to take most of the city for himself. I mean, he probably would have me do most of the dirty work if I agreed. And I wouldn't have gotten much out of it in the end. But that didn't matter, since I was going to kill him soon.

Of course, that would have to wait until The Vipers had the gambling racket. That's what's bringing in most of Kings money right now. So I knew I had to take over the operation before I could take out Lucas King. At the moment, I was at the nightclub, taking a break for a few minutes. I had Liam and Jason out collecting our daily profits. And I decided to wait until they got back to see what we've made. Plus I needed a break from all of the murdering that I've been doing.

After a few minutes, Liam and Jason came back with the money. After we each took a cut, we divided it all up to pay the rest of the crew. I know we could just have someone else do it and give us our cut. But there was a chance that someone would try and take more than their fair share. So for the time being, we were going to have to count up the money. While counting, a Viper rushed in looking like he was about to have a panic attack.

Jason: Hey, what's going on?

Viper: Guys, we've got a problem.

Liam: What kind of problem?

Viper: The Kings are out in force and attacking Harlem.

Y/n: What?!

That's when the guy explained how The Kings suddenly showed up. The group of Vipers he was with got jumped and were killed. He told us that while he was making his way here, he saw more Kings show up. And it was likely they were pissed off about losing part of their turf. I was pissed that King had the balls to launch an attack on Harlem. Of course, I knew I had to calm down and think of a plan. And after a couple of moments, I was able to think of one.

Y/n: Ok Liam, I want you to head to the eastern part of Harlem and help out over there. Jason, I want you to do the same for here in central Harlem. I'll go over to western Harlem to help drive out The Kings. And make sure that you save as much of the crew as possible, got it?

Jason: You got it.

Liam: We'll get it done.

So with that, we all ran out to start fighting The Kobra Kings. Good thing there was a car for me to use to get to any fights quickly. So I made my way to the western part of Harlem to help out where I could. Once I was there, I could hear gunfire close by and made my way to it. And I found a few Vipers pinned down by several Kobra King thugs. So I acted quickly and was able to run a few of them over. They others did jump out of the way, but I quickly hoped out of the car and started killing them.

Once they were all dead, I order the three Vipers to help who they could. And then I started making my way through the area. I was looking to help anyone I could from both Viper to pedestrian. After over half an hour of fighting, I helped out over fifty Vipers and three dozen people. And with the help of those Vipers, we were able to gain the upper hand. After a few more fights, we were able to clear out all of Kings men.

Once they were all dealt with, I called Liam and Jason. Fouttunatly, they were both doing fine and just finishing up The Kings too. So we all agreed to meet back up at The Blue Tropics. But once I hung up, I heard someone screaming and went to look. Then I saw Jessica was being cornered by a couple of Kobra Kings. They were trying to keep her distracted while a third one tried to sneak up on her.

Acting quickly, I pulled out my gun and shot the third guy. Once the other two saw me, one tried to grab a pistol before I head shot him. Then I shot the other one in the leg, which caused him to fall and scream in pain. As for Jessica, sgw took the chance to get a safe distance away before she got hurt. Then I grabbed the injured thug by the throat and slammed him against a nearby brick wall.

Y/n: Listen here, asshole. You tell your buddies if they touch this girl, I'll hunt them down and kill them. Got it?!

KK Thug: Y-Yeah.

Y/n: *whispers* And tell King if he sends more men onto my turf, I'll be sure to shoot him in the balls.

The thug nods before I let him go before he limps away. Once he was out of sight, I turned my attention to Jessica. Once she saw it was safe, she ran up to me and wrapped me in a hug while crying. After a few minutes, she was able to calm down some. So to make sure she got home safe, I agreed to take her home. Luckily, her car was only just around the corner from us. So I took her to her car, got in the driver's seat, and started driving to her place.

On the way, I asked what she was doing before The Kings showed up. And she told me she was getting some stuff for dinner since her family was at her apartment. So I guess I'm going to br meeting her family today. And after a bit more driving, we finally got to Jessica's place. Once we got there, I helped her up to her apartment and knocked on the door. Not a moment later, a man, who I assumed was Mike, opened the door. Once he saw Jessica, he immediately let us both in and we came face to face with her parents.

Mike: What happened?!

Mrs. Parker: We heard gunfire, and we were worried that you'd get hurt.

Mr. Parker: And who is he?

Y/n: Well, I'm Y/n L/n, the one who just saved your daughter. And a few guys in yellow tried to attack her, I think they're part of a gang.

Jessica: The Kobra Kings, I heard that those Vipers were attacking them and I guess The Kings hit back.

Y/n: Yeah, I saw a few of them fighting some of those Vipers too. Then I saw Jessica almost get mugged by a few of them before I saved her.

Mike: Wait, aren't you the guy who killed her ex-boyfriend too?

Y/n: Yeah, but the guy was hurting her and probably would've killed her if I didn't step in.

Mr. Parker: Well, Y/n, thank you for saving our Jessica.

Y/n: No problem, Mr. Parker. So are you going to be fine now, Jessica?

Jessica: Yeah, and thanks for saving me again, Y/n.

Y/n: No problem, I'll see you around.

With that, I decided to leave and give Jessica a bit of space. After what happened today, she was going to need some time with her family. Plus, I had some business to attend to with those damn Kobra Kings. Those bastards tried to attack my turf and kill people, Jessica included. So I'm going to make sure that they pay for it big time. And then I was going to put a bullet right between Lucas Kings' eyes. That would send a message that no one fucks with The Vipers and gets away with it.

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