Ch 22: A Brewing War

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Your P.O.V.

It's been a couple days since the death of Lucas King. And with him gone, the Upper West Side was now under Viper control. I have to say, I'm surprised that things turned out this way so far. With the gangs growing influence, we have a vast amount of manpower. On top of that, we also have more money coming in now. Both from extending our protection rackets and from taking over the gambling rackets too. And the counterfeiting racket is helping us keep the cops off of our backs.

Lots of things have been changed around the club too. We've been using some extra cash to make some upgrades to the place. Better liquor, more staff, and some other things too. So all in all, the Blue Tropics was now becoming an amazing nightclub. And I have to say that things could not be going any better. After all, the other gangs don't seem to want to bother us. So as long as it stays that way, then we aren't going to have a problem.

Though, that's not to say they won't try to attack us. With the Vipers growing power, they'll likely consider us to be a major threat. And of they did attack us, then a lot of innocent people could get caught in a gang war. So me, Jason, and Liam have been talking things out since Kings death. We all agreed that it was best to eliminate the other gangs that are in New York. This way, the Vipers are the only gang in the city and the gang war ends. But the only question was which gang to we start with?

On one hand, the best bet would easily be the Dollhouse. After all, they were the only gang left closest to Harlem. Plus word on the street is that they run all illegal prostitution in Manhattan too. So taking them out would put us in better shape for both money and connections. It could also help us with getting some blackmail on people like judges or other politicians. And it would give us a lot more influence in the political world.

But on the other hand, there's a chance the Cortez Cartel could attack too. With Hell's Kitchen south of the Upper West Side, it could be dangerous. And if we fought the Cortez Cartel, it could help us expand our weed market. After all, with the Upper West Side under out control, we set up more weed labs. And with that, our list of costumes started to grow more too. Honestly, the Cortez Cartel and Dollhouse both seemed to be a main problem. And I have no idea which one we should focus on. As they both would give us a chance to grow in power and influence.

Then there's Jessica, I've known her for only a while. Yet it feels like I've known her for my whole life too. And I feel like I can tell her anything that's on my mind. But I know I can't tell her I'm a murderer and a gang leader. One of the reasons being she'd likely go to the cops about it. And another being that there was a chance her family would kill me. But the main reason being is that I have no idea how she'd react at all. If she found out I was the Vipers leader, then anything could happen.

I had to much on my mind right now, so I decided to get a drink. Luckily, we had some liquor in stock, so I decided to go downstairs to the bar. The crew was in the club partying over the death of Lucas King. And they had even hired a group of strippers to entertain themselves with. As I got to the bar, I grabbed a bottle of whisky and a shot glass. But before I could get a drink, a shot rang out through the club. That's when I saw the bullet hole in the wall and turned to see the shooter. It was one of the strippers, and she had a gun in hand.

That's when several other strippers pulled out guns too. And it was a fire fight as Vipers and strippers alike all started shooting. Each one taking cover somewhere or other while shooting at each other. So I quickly took cover behind the bar while shooting at the gun slinging strippers. As the bullets were flying, I saw Jason and Liam run backstage. So I decided to get my ass over to them to help them out. So I jumped out from behind the bar and ran towards the stage. I took a few shots at the strippers before getting backstage to Liam and Jason.

Jason: Man, what the hell is going on!?

Y/n: These strippers are trying to kill us! That's what's going on! Now which one of you hired these crazy birches?!

Liam: It was Jason!

Jason: Traitor!

Y/n: What the hell, Jason!?

Jason: Hey, these girls came highly recommended! How was I supposed to know they would try to kill us?!

Y/n: Look, we'll talk about this later. For now, let's focus on not getting killed by these strippers.

With that, we started shooting our way through the club. Of course, it wasn't an easy task as there was still a dozen of these gun-toting bitches. After a few minutes of shooting, we were able to clear them out. But we did losing a couple dozen Vipers in the process. Once we made sure they were dead, I punched Jason in the face. And he was somewhat taken surprise by this for some reason. I mean, I don't know why the hell he even would be after this.

Jason: What the hell!?

Y/n: That was for hiring these bitches and nearly getting us killed!

Jason: Hey! I didn't think they were gonna try and kill us! So how about--

Liam: Shut up! Listen.

That's when we all stopped talking and heard some ringing. It sounded like a cell phone, so we started looking for it. The phone had to be on one of the strippers who attacked. So we all started to try and find out which one had the phone. After a moment of searching, Liam whistled to me before tossing me a phone. The caller was someone named Breanna Nelson, so I answered. And I had a feeling I knew which crew these strippers were working for.

Breanna Nelson: Ladies, did you get the job done yet?

Y/n: Not exactly. And I have to say that it was really stupid of you to attack Ms. Nelson.

Breanna Nelson: The leader of the Vipers, I presume?

Y/n: Yeah, and you just made the worst mistake of your life.

Breanna Nelson: I guess I should've expected this to happen. No matter, you will all meet your end soon enough.

With that, the call ended and I threw the phone in the trash. This Breanna Nelson wants a war, then I'll give her a god damn war. But I knew that it wasn't going to be as easy as King and Garcia. After all, she was likely expecting me to act out of anger. But I wasn't going to let some whore like her get away with this. So I turned to Liam and Jason to see if they had an answer.

Y/n: You know who that was?

Liam: We do, she's the leader of the Dollhouse.

Y/n: Figured as much, what with all the stripper assassins and all.

Jason: What we know is that her crew runs all the illegal prostitution in the city. And word is she might be the one behind all those diamond thefts as of late too.

Y/n: Diamonds are a girl's best friend. You guys know why they'd want to attack us so suddenly?

Liam: We're a threat. With Garcia and King dead, we have a fair amount of power. It's likely she sees that and wants to get rid of us before we can go after her.

Jason: Makes sense, never trust a pretty face I always say.

Liam: And yet these "pretty faces" got here and almost killed us.

Jason: I'm sure this could've happened to anybody.

Liam: It's a common problem, I'm sure.

Y/n: Enough! Get the crew together, we're going to another war.

With that, they went to go and rally the other Vipers. And I was left to think about what would happen next. But the event that just took place proves that the gangs need to be crushed. So now I'm going to make it my mission to take out each rival gang. And once the Vipers are all that's left, the city will finally be better. The gangs of New York better watch out, because now the Vipers are coming. And we're not going to stop until every rival gang has been wiped our for good.

But I knew that we had to make sure and play it safe. After all, the Dollhouse attacked once, so they'll likely try to do it again. So there has to be a way to make sure they don't try it again. And the best way to do that is to take them down quickly. So I was going to do what I did with the Kobra Kings and Los Diablos. Take out their rackets, and then eliminate the leader. And once the Dollhouse is out of the picture, we can focus on taking out all the other gangs next. After all, they weren't going to hurt Harlem, my crew, or my family.

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