Ch 15: Cash Crash

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Your P.O.V.

After what happened at the other day, I've been hitting The Kings even harder. I sent a few groups of Vipers to see if they could find more information on the counterfeiting racket. And they were able to find several locations that The Kings use for it. Each one was either a different home or a business that The Kings used to produce and store counterfeit money.

So I started hitting each location to hurt there operations more. And I destroyed all of the cash and equipment that was being used. So at this point, I decided it was time to go see what Kyle had learned about Elvis Jackson. So I made my way back to the apartment building I met Kyle at. Once I got to the lobby, I went to the bathroom to find Kyle just getting out of a stall and wash up.

Kyle: Oh, I'm glad you're here, have I got some news for you.

Y/n: What's up?

Kyle: Ok, so The Kings are having a really hard time keeping up with printing counterfeit money. And the cops are starting to get upset about not getting their bribes. And it's all starting to put a lot of unwanted attention on Lucas King.

Y/n: Can't imagine he's to happy about the loss of most of his fake cash and counterfeit dens.

Kyle: Yeah, and after everything you've done, Elvis is panicking. He's back at TerraNova Real-estate right now, trying to get things under control. And my guess is that King really wants things sorted out yesterday.

Y/n: Alright, I'll head over there and see if I can't 'convince' Elvis Jackson to set up shop for me. And it might be best that you call in sick for work for the next few days.

Kyle: Already one step ahead of you on that one, good luck.

So with that, I left and started making my way to TerraNova Real-estate. After a half hour of walking, I was right at the TerraNova building. It was three stories high and looked like any other real-estate building would. So I made sure that my pistol was loaded before I started looking for a way in. I knew that I couldn't just walk right in the front door since it was likely guarded.

So I snuck around back and found a few guards there. Then I noticed there was a back door and knew I found my way inside. Luckily, I could kill the guards quietly since I had a silencer on my pistol. So I killed the three guards just in time before any of them could react. Once they were dead, I slipped in and started making my way through the building. The first floor only had a few more guards that I was able to deal with easily.

Then I started making my way up to the next floor. Of course, there were more guards that I had to kill before they could notice me. So I started making my way through the second floor, killing each guard quietly. As I did, I saw there was bunch of printing presses all over the place. There was also a fuck ton of money to go along with it. I figured that Elvis Jackson was trying to get his supply high enough to fix the problems that I've caused.

After a few minutes, the second floor was clear of Kobra Kings. Though I knew that there was still more guards on the third floor. And I knew that's where Elvis Jackson was going to be. With that, I made my way to the third floor and started clearing out the last of the guards. After several more minutes, the third floor was clear and I went looking for Elvis. And it didn't take me long to find his office as I found a door that had his name on it.

So I kicked the door open, much to Jacksons' surprise as I heard him yelp in surprise. Of course, Jackson tried to reach for his gun and shoot. But all that was heard was a clicking sound, which revealed his gun wasn't loaded. So he tried to defend himself by throwing it right at me. Of course, he missed as I just walked up to him, pulled out my knife, and then slammed him against the wall.

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