Ch 9: Weed Out The Enemy

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Your P.O.V.

A lot of things have happened in the last couple of days. For starters, Los Diablos was losing more of their drug labs. With most of the other labs under my control, the others were working overtime to meet demand. And it made it a lot easier for Jason to find them so I could take them too. Another thing is that I've had some Vipers track down and kill any drug dealers working for Mendoza.

So between losing labs and dealers, there was less cocaine on the streets. And I've had the crew start selling weed in the spots Mendoza's men sold coke. Now we were bringing in a lot of extra money from selling our weed. But there was still the problem of where the main drug lab was. I figured that Jason would have at least narrowed it down by now. But I knew it wasn't going to be much longer now.

I mean, with most of his labs gone, Mendoza was in a tight spot. And I bet that he's also got his main lab working overtime too. If so, then it wouldn't be much longer until Jason found it. At the moment, I was at The Blue Tropics and was reading an old book I had. After a few minutes, I noticed Jason was just getting back. And as he was walking up to me, I could tell that something was bugging him.

Y/n: What's wrong with you Jason?

Jason: Well, the good news is I finally found where Mendoza's main drug lab is set up.

Y/n: And the bad news?

Jason: It's at St. Mary's Orphanage.

Then he took out a few pictures of the old orphanage. And they all had some Los Diablos thugs moving drugs out of there too. Once I saw the photos, I had flipped a table over in anger. Because the orphanage was the closest place that I had to a home before it shut down. I was pissed that Garcia had his men set up shop there. So I knew that if I didn't want Mendoza and Garcia dead before, I did now.

Y/n: Get the crew ready to move in when I give the call.

Jason: Alright, I'm on it.

So with that, Jason left to get the crew ready to move out. And I grabbed a cab and was in deep thought about the old orphanage. It was over in the eastern side of Harlem and was likely falling apart too. I remembered when it was first shut down as a kid. It ran out of money because the people of the city didn't care for the kids who were all forgotten or abandoned.

After St. Mary's closed, Liam, Jason, and I were out on the streets. We had to steal food and cloths to survive, and the winters were the worst. But I had lots of good memories too, like when I first met Liam and Jason. Liam was still traumatized about his parents and I was the first one be talked to about it. And Jason never had friends until he met me and Liam. Plus all the other orphans that were there before they were adopted.

After a while, I noticed that the cab was getting close to St. Mary's. So I asked the driver to pull over and paid him before he left. Then I walked the last few blocks before seeing St. Mary's for the first time in years. And I was right as it had definitely seen better days. But I also saw a few Diablos thugs were just outside the main entrance. So I knew I couldn't just go and walk through the front door.

Then I noticed an old side door in the nearby alleyway. If I remember right, it lead straight into the kitchen. But I had a feeling it was going to be guarded by more guards. But since I didn't really see any other way in, I decided to use the old side door. Once I got in, I saw a shit ton of drug making equipment that was set up. And it looked like there was only two guards keeping watch.

Luckily, the pistol I have has a silencer attached to it. So I was able to quietly kill the two guards before I hid their dead bodies. And I continued to make my way through St. Mary's while killing any guards in my way. The orphanage had only two floors, but they were both fairly big. And I knew it was likely that Mendoza had whatever men guarding and patrolling the entire building.

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