Ch 17: Ace In The Hole

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Your P.O.V.

After the attack on Harlem, I had the crew get ready for war. If King wanted a fight, then I'd bring him a fight he wouldn't forget. And now I'm going to start causing problems for his illegal gambling operations. So I decided to go and meet with the contact who had the info on the operation. Then once I had control of the gambling rackets, I'd then go after Lucas King himself. But for right now, I just had to do it one step at a time.

So I started making my way over to The Mermaid Inn. Which just so happens to be a famous seafood restaurant in the Upper West Side. Once I got there, I saw a man over in the corner booth in the far end of the restaurant. So I walked over and got a look at the guy, and he didn't look good. The guy was a bit of a nervous wreck about something. And I knew that it had to do with The Kobra Kings gambling racket.

Y/n: Hey there.

Guy: GAH!

The second the guy screamed, it made me jump a bit. A couple other people turned in confusion for a moment. But then they returned to whatever it was they were doing. Then the guy took a look around to make sure that no one was listening. Though I had a feeling he thought that I was followed. I had made sure I wasn't followed, but you never can be to careful. Once he felt like he was safe enough, the guy started to fill me in on his situation.

Guy: Thank god your here, you don't know how much this means to me.

Y/n: Of course, my friends say you got a problem with Kings gambling operations Mr....?

Malcolm: Malcolm, Malcolm Carson, and I'm in a real fucking mess.

Y/n: What's the problem?

Malcom: I'm in some deep gambling debts with The Kobra Kings. I may have a slight gambling problem and it's gotten outta control.

Y/n: I figured as much.

Malcom: Anyways, there's this guy called Harold "Lucky" Williams that runs the gambling operations out of his sports gym on 78th Street.

Y/n: Lucky?

Malcom: He gets the name on account he's good at every sort of gambling game there is. From his gym, he's set up all sorts of back alley card games and small gambling dens for people to play at. But they're all rigged so The Kings bring in a ton of cash from dumbasses like myself.

Y/n: And they hunt down and kill the people who can't pay off their debts?

Malcolm: Yeah. I can't go home since they're probably waiting for me there. And I can't go on the street since they'll grab me if they see me. Oh god, what the hell am I going to fucking do?!

Y/n: Easy, Malcolm, just take a breath. I'll go out and see if I can dig anything up on Lucky's operation. For now, you need to find a place to hide, somewhere they don't know of.

Malcom: I-I have a cousin nearby who I can go to for now.

Y/n: That's good, I'll meet you here in a few days to see if you've heard from Lucky, ok?

Malcolm: Yeah, thanks.

Y/n: It's going to be alright Malcolm, you did the right thing coming to me.

With that, I decided to leave to see what I could dig up on Lucky. I had a feeling it was probably a joke name about how this Harold guy had no luck. That or he was just really lucky when it came to any casino games. Either way, I'm going to see how lucky this guy feels when I tear apart his gambling operations. So I went to see if I could track down any of The Kings nearby. There was a chance one of them knew something I could use against Lucky.

After walking for a few blocks, I noticed a couple of Kings in an alley. So I made my way over to see if I could learn anything from them. But then I saw a third KK thug come out of a side door. So I hid by the corner and saw the third Kobra King put some sort of bag in a dumpster. Then they all went back into the building the third thug came from, which turned out to be a laundromat. That gave me an idea they were using it as a gambling den.

So once they were inside, I took a quick look in the bag. And much to my surprise, it was full of a bunch of one hundred dollar bills. My guess it was to try and keep as many cops on Kings payroll as possible. So I knew I would come and grab this bag once I was done inside. So I checked the door to find out that these idiots didn't even lock the damn thing. Pretty sure these guys are just asking for trouble at this point.

So I slipped inside to see several slot machines and a craps table. So I guess that these guys are using the place as a gambling den. Luckily, there was no one here, so I didn't have to worry about being spotted. So I snuck around to peak through the door to find that two of the thugs were by the front door. And I just managed to see the third one walk into the bathroom. So I made my way to the front with my knife in hand.

Once I was close, I quickly killed the two Kings by slitting ones throat and stabbing the others head. When they were dead, I quickly dragged them both back into the alley. I hid them both in a dumpster before putting a few trash bags on top. Once they were hidden, I made my way to grab the third one that was in the can. Though I did have to wait a few minutes before the thug came out. And once he came out, he was surprised to see me.

KK thug: What the fu--

Before he could say anything, I had punched him in the throat. And then he started gasping for air as I grabbed him. Then I dragged him into the back room to interrogate him. It's a long shot, but there's a chance that this guy might know something. So I knew I had to at least see if I could possibly get some information out of him.

Y/n: Your going to tell me about Lucky and his gambling operations.

KK thug: Fuck you!

Ok, so he wasn't going to talk, but he was going to wash he did. So I started to punch the thug a few times to try and get him scared. Then I had slammed his head on the side of the craps table and kicked him in the balls. After a few minutes, the thug was bruised and had a few missed teeth. So I decided to try my luck with him again to get some information about Lucky.

Y/n: I suggest you talk, because I can go on like this for a few more hours.

KK thug: Ok, Lucky's got a bunch of gambling sites all across the district. And he has a few guys running some back alley poker games. If you take them out, then the boss is going to lose a bunch of cash.

Y/n: Give me the locations.

With that, he pulled out his phone and unlocked it before giving it to me. When I took a look, it was a map of the Upper West Side. And it had all the locations of where Lucky set up his gambling dens. So I sent the image to my phone before I pocketed the thugs. Then I pulled out my knife and slight the thugs throat. Then I dragged the body into a dumpster like the others.

Afterwards, I called Liam to have him send a few Vipers over. Just to make sure Lucky wouldn't be able to get this den back. I knew that this wouldn't do much damage to Lucky's operation. But all I had to do was hit all of these other spots and kill his top men. I do that, and Lucky will have no choice but to come and fix the mess I made. And when he does, I can get my hands on him and get him to come and work for me. Then I can turn my attention onto Lucas King and kill him.

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