Ch 8: Supply And Demand

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Your P.O.V.

The events that happened a few days ago were replaying in my head. I was kind of confused as to why I couldn't stop thinking of Jessica. Maybe it was my way of dealing with what that bastard of a drunk Henry did. I found out that he was Jessica's boyfriend and that he wasn't always a drunk. Though Jessica didn't give much detail on how they met, something was bugging me.

What did Jessica ever see in that drunk mess she called a boyfriend? I mean, it was possible that the guy wasn't always a drunk asshole. But my guess is that he was just some guy who tricked a girl into dating him. It was probably that or he actually did care for Jessica before he became a drunk. But I didn't care much since there was now technically at least one less drunk and abusive person in the world.

After that, Jessica left the next day and thanked me again for helping her out. She did tell me she had a place over in eastern Harlem. So I thought I could pay her a visit after Garcia was no longer a problem. Speaking of which, me and The Vipers hit a few more of his drug labs. Jason was lucky enough to have found several labs when he first came to me. So it made things easier to know where to attack.

Though I knew we couldn't have the cops on our asses. Especially after I had attacked the first lab and after what happened with Jessica. I had a feeling that the cops might of had a cop car stay outside The Blue Tropics. At least for the last couple of days after what I did to Henry. Granted, it was justified, but you can't be to careful. So I had to go and do a few errands that involved non-suspicious activities.

Mostly just going for a walk or getting some fast food. I wanted to be sure if I was being watched, I had to play it safe for a while. After a few days, I had a feeling that the cops weren't watching me anymore. As for the labs, luckily, a case of silencers were brought in for a few guns. So I had the crew silently take over the drug labs they attacked. It was the best way to move in on Garcia's and Mendoza's drug labs without the cops getting involved.

And the equipment I had taken from the first lab? I set that up in an old pawn shop that I bought. Obviously, it had to be done at night since someone would see it in broad daylight. So with some drug labs under my control, I had them start making weed. And I had the crew deal with the bodies by throwing them into the river. I wasn't a scientist, but I knew the current would take the bodies down the river. So there was a fair chance the bodies would be found in another part of town.

As for the cocaine, any that was made was disposed of. By which I mean that it was burned in trash fires a little bit at a time. I stated to the crew we weren't selling any cocaine. So this was the best way to get rid of it without drawing to much attention. Plus the less Garcia's men had to sell, the better for everyone in Harlem. And we had a decent supply of weed to start selling too. So now we could start selling our own drugs that was less dangerous.

Right now, I was outside another one of Mendoza's drug labs. This one was at a bar that was owned by Los Diablos and served as a gang hangout. So the place was going to be well guarded by a bunch of guys. Though there was a chance they'd be either high or drunk. So me and the crew I had got a chance to take them by surprise. And since it was early morning, the bar was closed and the guards were likely put cold.

So the crew and I looked for a way to get inside. And as luck would have it, these idiots left the back door unlocked. So we easily slipped in to find a little over a dozen guys. They were all passed out drunk or were extremely high from the coke. So The Vipers and I started to kill them all quickly and quietly. And as soon as they were dead, we made our way downstairs to find a few drug dealers making cocaine. And let's just say that they were shocked to see us.

Dealer 1: Who the hell are you?! Hey! Intruders! Down here!

Y/n: Don't bother, they're not coming.

Dealer 2: What the hell does that mean?

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