"By too much he means Traya pushing students well beyond their limit to the point it isn't even beneficial for the student."

Glynda interjected with her arms crossed.

"And by too much he means throwing them into the jaws of death despite the student being greatly outmatched." 

"Which of course led to some accidents around that time. Which was only the start." Qrow added.

Amber was disturbed that Ozpin would hire her but hearing that someone like her was with the famous bounty hunter raised even more questions.

"W-What do you mean by only the start?"

Ozpin sighed and replied,

"She often viewed Huntsmen and Huntresses as glorified bodyguards for the people who could afford to pay them. Sometimes even referring to them as sellouts. To her, only through pain and conflict can a person grow."

"So her being with a kid that kills for what seems like the sake of it doesn't seem good especially since she was once part of our little group." Qrow responded.

"How can she benefit from manipulating him?!" Amber said angered by Traya which took Glynda and Qrow back but not Ozpin who raised an eyebrow.

"S-Sorry, it's just that... it's not right."

"I share your concerns too Amber but as if now I can ask the Headmaster Theodore to keep an eye on him while we think of a way to-"

At that moment as if on cue Ozpin was getting a call from Theodore.

"Ain't that something." Qrow said before Ozpin answered.

"Hello Theodore."

"Hello Ozpin! How have you been my friend? Ah Glynda good to see you too- Qrow? Heh, still hitting the bottle I see." Theo said in a joyous manner.

"You know it." Qrow said raising his flask, taking a swig of it before Glynda rolled her eyes and greeted the headmaster.

"Hello Theo, nice to see you too."

"I don't wish to take much of your time but someone did come to Vacuo who is a person of interest." Said Theo which Qrow said,

"The bounty hunter? Yeah we know. We were actually going to call you until you called us first."

"I guess we're on the same page then but I  know that you know that Traya is involved with the young man?" Theo responded.

"Unfortunately, it appears that Traya is mentoring him. He is already dangerous as is but with Traya's training he'll be more dangerous than before." Ozpin said before taking a sip of his mug.

"From what one of my faculty members said is that they appear to be heading into the more western part of Vacuo." Theo reported.

Qrow leaned back and said,
"Maybe they're taking a break from killing."

"I would agree... if that isn't where the Florence crime family is located." Theo ended with a bit of a stern voice.

"I can't say I'm too surprised. I'm willing the bet he's finishing what he started in Atlas." Ozpin said.

Ozpin had to admit he admired his tenacity, dedication, intelligence and bravery to go after the largest crime syndicate in Vacuo.

"He's insane if he thinks he has a chance against them!" Glynda said in disbelief which Qrow commented,

"I don't know, if he could fool Jimmy and his special operatives then I'm willing to bet he can go up against some thugs."


"A little fucken help?!" Hector yelled out as he was currently in a one vs three.

He parried a horizontal swing from a bandit using a machete before kicking her in the stomach and using his air booster to launch her into a rock.

He then rolled to the side as another bandit tried smashing his head with a mace.

As he was on one knee he raised up his left arm and pressed the red button which released flames, mind you. Hector was using as always chemicals for more... potency.

The Male bandit screamed as the fire seemingly "stuck" to him. He swung his mace around with no direction or hope of hitting him.

Then a bandit to his right aimed down sights at Hector using a rifle with a bayonet and pulled the trigger.

The bullet then nearly grazed his leg which Hector then quickly took out his shotgun that was on his right side and shot back.

One bullet obliterated his knee which then he collapsed in pain.

The woman who he kicked into a rock had gotten up on her feet and saw the gas mask wearing man shoot her boyfriend's face off with a single blast while her friend fell to the ground burning.

"NOOO!" She yelled out before charging at him. Hector aimed his shotgun before pulling the trigger twice.

Has he caught his breath since Traya practically forced him to keep walking in the heat. Hector wasn't expecting someone to be on this road so being rammed into a rock wasn't a part of the plan.

"You know... you could've smacked them around??" Hector said between a cough.

"Could've but what good would it do if I intervened? You still won right?" Traya replied.

"Oh I don't know, he went straight for my chest!" Hector yelled while loosening his chest plate to lightly rub his chest.

It was hurting like hell. First from the initial charge and then when he was smashed into the nearby rock. He knew Traya sensed them but refused to say anything about it.

Traya had been pushing Hector more than he anticipated which he obviously didn't like.

She also completely disregarded his condition which further pissed Hector off even more.

They somewhat didn't get along due to their different styles of combat. Traya with calm and precise attacks while Hector had emotional charged attacks with no clear strikes that one couldn't predict if they were an amateur or underestimated him.

They settled down on top of a hill before setting up camp for the night.

As Hector set a large branch he had broken down into smaller branches on fire he sat down and began to think:

Is this what I'm doing with my time? I-I don't mind killing but... grandma is disappointed in me.

He then laid down on a mat and placed his arm under his head as he turned away from the fire and thought.

...I'm sorry grandma...

The Mad Bounty Hunter of Remnant Where stories live. Discover now