But I've come too far to give up.

My knuckles apprehensively beat on the wooden door.

"Hello?" A frail woman answers but still hides behind the screen door. Darren strongly resembles her. It makes my insides all gushy.

"Hi, Mrs. Walker, is it?" I politely grin. "My name's Kenneth Baker. I'm here about your son, Darren."

That sentence alone makes her start to shut the door.

"I'm sorry... you must have the wrong house."

"Does this look wrong to you?" I ask, holding out the paper with the address she wrote on it.

She stretches her neck out to get a closer glance. "H-How did you get that?"

"I'm the psychologist at Holmes Chapel Asylum," I inform her. "May I come in for a few minutes? It's awfully chilly out here."

"Erm," she contemplates. I notice her visually scan the outside area as if she's making sure the coast is clear. "You can stay for a few minutes, but that's it. I'm expecting company."

Mrs. Walker unlocks the screen door and signals me to enter her home. The interior isn't too extravagant, but it's homey. That's the way I prefer it anyway.

Entering the living room, I discover a framed picture propped on top of the fireplace. It's an image of Darren as a child with his mum beside him. I cannot wait to tease him about seeing one of his childhood photos. He'll pretend he hates it, but I know he indeed doesn't.

We make it to the dining room, where she gestures to me to take a chair at the table. She offers me a complimentary glass of water, but I politely decline.

"How do you know that I'm alive?" she blurts out.

I begin, "There's no simple way to explain this. Do you have time for a quick background story, Mrs. Walker?"

"You can call me Jackie," she says. "And, that's alright with me."

"So, a little over three months ago, I took over the psychiatrist job at the asylum. This was right after Darren was sent there. He was one of the first patients that I started working with. We unexpectedly connected to the point where he told me some secrets and-"

"What do you mean you two connected?" Jackie interrogates.

Truthfully, I wanted to avoid telling her about my relationship with Darren. At the same time, she may be more open-minded than her husband, but who knows what garbage he put into her head after her son was taken away.

"I-We... I'm dating your son," I take a chance.


Jackie blinks a few times as she covers her mouth with her fist, elbow on the table. I'm not sure if this is a positive reaction.

Then, suddenly, she tenderly smiles to herself and whispers, "I'm so delighted to hear that he found someone again, especially after being imprisoned there."

"I stole his journal right before we moved here. I read it when I miss him. I've kept it hidden from Sam- never mind..." Jackie babbles.

"You can tell me," I encourage her. "I've already heard about his father."

"Samuel's barely a father..." She shakes her head in denial. "The one moment of freedom I get is when he runs our weekly errands, like right now."

There's a lone tear that falls down her cheek and onto her shirt. I don't acknowledge it.

Darren has mentioned how much pain his father has caused to the family. He's hurt them, both physically and mentally, countless times. The whole thing is such a sensitive subject. I don't dare to intrude further.

"What else did Darren tell you?"

"That he overheard everything that night when Catherine came over."

"Oh my goodness." She frowns. "He heard that conversation? I couldn't imagine how betrayed he felt. I tried so hard to stop Sam."

"Don't worry, he's not angry with you," I assure her. "Darren knows that you did what you had to do to survive."

"I accept him, you know? I know it's such a tough concept to grasp for most people, but I don't care. Darren is my son, no matter who he loves. I only want happiness for him."

"It's okay, Jackie-"

"No, it's not," she wails. "That bastard Samuel. Why did I have to marry a drunk? I can't even get a damn divorce! Or, I'll be buried 6-feet under."

His mother's guilt makes me pity her. She should know that none of this is her fault. There are only two people to blame, Samuel and Catherine. They are the real villains.

"That's what I'm frightened of. I don't want Darren making the same mistakes that I made and ending up trapped in a toxic relationship. You're good to him, yeah?"

"We're madly in love," I verify.

Jackie weakly smiles. "I can tell."

With her three little words, I almost start breaking down my-self. Nothing is more tear-jerking than being welcomed in a society full of prejudice. There are so few understanding people around us.

"Thank you for your kind reassurance. I know Darren appreciates it as much as I do." I beam.

"I do what I can." She shrugs, then questions, "So, pardon my rudeness, but what is the reason that you're here?"

I disclose the truth, "I came to ask if you'd help me get Darren out of the asylum."

"How do you suggest we free him?"

"Well..." I toothily grin. 'Let me tell you about a little plan I have.

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