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     Making my way to my office, I suddenly hear screams coming from behind me. Concerned and slightly curious, I turn around to see Rosie dragged by two guards. The warden is right behind them.

My patient has tears streaming down from her eyes and onto her cheeks. Her hair is a tangled mess, and she's cursing up a storm. It seems the staff could care less.

I stop in my steps, frozen as the group catches up to me. Rose begs, "Dr. Baker! Help me, please! I need you."

"Wait, what's going on?" I follow behind them. No one listens. "Excuse me!?"

Catherine scowls back at me. "This is absolutely NONE of your business, doctor."

"Actually, Rosalind is my patient. Therefore, I deserve to know what's happening with her," I snap back. My response makes her halt her travels. The guards continue to drag Rosie to god-knows-where.

After hearing what the warden did to Darren, I have no remorse for her anymore. I've tried to give her the benefit of the doubt in the past. Now I know who she truly is, a vile, self-centered monster.

"You have quite the nerve talking back to someone who gave you this job in the first place," she bites.

Fine, I'll play your games.

"You're right. I'm sorry, Cathy. I didn't mean to lash out like that," I deceivingly apologize. "But don't you think that I should know what's going on here? I want to help."

"If you must know, Rosie tried to take the coward's way out."

"That can't be true," I mutter.

"These things are prevalent in mental institutions. We can't do much about it," she shrugs. How is she so calm about this?

"Where are they taking her then?"

"To solitary confinement. So she'll have no way to harm herself," Cathy clarifies. "If you feel it is necessary, you may speak to her there."

I tag along with the warden. She guides me to the solitary wing. I've never been down this corridor until now. It's much darker than the standard patient hallways. Something about this area gives me chills.

Speaking of dark, I know that Catherine is hiding something in that greedy brain of hers. Every time I'm around her, I get this icky feeling inside of me. There's much more than just Darren's tragedy that's being kept secret. I know there's more dirt on her, but I can't figure out what. One way or another, I will find out.

Eventually, we reach one of the cells labeled with 156 on the door. Catherine unlocks then pushes up the metal guard blocking the door. When it opens, Rosie is hiding in the corner of the room. She's wearing a white straitjacket to restrain her from any sort of self-harm. I can't stand to see her this way.

The ceilings are quite high, and every inch of the room is padded with a soft, white material. Rosie will be isolated and left with her thoughts. This cell could make anyone go insane. If I were stuck in here for a week, I'd be driven up the walls. It's a dangerous thing to be left with your mind.

"She can't harm you, so I'll be shutting the door. The guards will be right outside if you need anything," the warden says, almost robotically.

When she exits the room, I plop myself down onto the floor a few feet away from Rosie. The young girl is shaking; her chin rests on her knees. I sigh, "Rosie..."

At first, she avoids contact with me. I don't even know what to say in a situation like hers. I should know. I'm a psychologist, after all. It's still difficult to deal with.

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